10 Beneficial Foods For Those With A Delicate Intestine

Although they do not usually present problems, if we are following a medical treatment for the delicate intestine, we should first consult a specialist about the suitability of consuming these foods.

People with small intestines must follow a strict diet if they want to have a good quality of life. Some foods can be very beneficial thanks to their properties to reduce inflammation of the intestine and restore the bacterial flora.

Keep in mind that ensuring the proper functioning of this organ can greatly improve health. The intestine connects with the brain and also influences the efficiency of the immune system.

Foods to improve the condition of a delicate intestine

We are going to present you the foods that you have to introduce in the diet if you want to improve the functioning of the intestine.

1. Agar agar

Agar agar is an algae that is used at the gastronomic level to make gelatins. In fact, many vegetarians consume it to avoid animal-based gelatins. With this food we can thicken any liquid; that is, the more we add, the more solid it will be.

On the other hand, agar agar is a vegetable gelatin that has the virtue of regulating intestinal function, whether we suffer from constipation or diarrhea, thanks to its prebiotic fiber content and minerals such as magnesium, iodine or calcium. This is evidenced by a study published in the Journal of Gastroenterology.

2. Chia and flax seeds

Chia and flax seeds are the most popular to promote good intestinal function without irritating this organ or its bacterial flora.

  • You see, when soaked, chia and flax release their mucilages, which are a type of soluble fiber that turns water gelatinous.
  • So, by drinking this water together with the seeds, we are able to gradually cleanse the delicate intestine.

3. Fermented

We well know that the intestinal flora can suffer the consequences of poor diet, antibiotics or intestinal disorders themselves.

In this sense, foods that have been made through a natural fermentation process are very beneficial to repopulate and protect the intestinal bacterial flora. The most common are: natural yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut or kombucha tea.

These products contain probiotics, bacteria that have been shown to be able to colonize the intestine, improving its function.

4. Papaya

Consume papaya to alleviate situation related to a delicate intestine

Papaya is a delicious tropical fruit that is very beneficial for the entire digestive system. Specifically, at the intestinal level, it has a mild laxative and cleansing effect. Likewise, there is evidence that it is very adequate in cases of constipation, diverticulitis or parasites.

  • We recommend consuming it raw on an empty stomach, in pieces or in juices or shakes.

5. Apple

The apple is an excellent fruit to improve and balance digestion. It can help us treat intestinal disorders depending on how we eat it.

  • If we eat the raw apple with its peel, we promote intestinal transit and combat constipation. Thanks to the soluble fiber it contains. This increases the activity of the intestine and strengthens the muscles involved.
    • If we eat the peeled and grated apple, leaving it to darken, we will be able to calm cases of diarrhea. Thanks to the tannins that appear when oxidized and to its high pectin content. The latter retains water and delays the bowel movement.

    6. Kuzu

    Consume kuzu or kudzu to alleviate a situation related to a delicate intestine

    Kuzu or kudzu is a starch rich in fiber that acts as a regulator in the delicate intestine. It is also recommended in cases of constipation alternating with diarrhea, spasms or lazy intestine, as well as to improve the bacterial flora.

    • Kuzu is first dissolved in water and then heated until it becomes thick. Then, without burning, we can take it in small sips.

    7. Coffee grounds

    This curious remedy is very effective in calming any intestinal inflammation. We only have to take a tablespoon of coffee grounds with a glass of water on an empty stomach. At least half an hour before breakfast.

    8. Sea water


    Seawater suitable for consumption is a medicinal food rich in minerals and trace elements. These  regulate intestinal function if we take it properly.


    • ¼ glass of sea water (50 ml).
    • ¾ glass of water (150 ml).


    • We will mix both waters and take a glass on an empty stomach, in small sips.

    9. Plantain

    Plantain is a medicinal plant that we can take as an infusion. It has the virtue of calming and balancing the intestine. Thus, it is very beneficial in cases of diarrhea, gastritis, peptic ulcers or irritable bowel.

    10. Oats

    Drink oatmeal water to alleviate situation related to a delicate intestine

    Oats are an excellent cereal, rich in fiber and mucilage, two nutrients that are very suitable for treating any type of intestinal disorder. To be effective we must take it cooked or soaked.  Well, if we eat it raw it could be difficult to digest or cause heartburn.

    In addition, it is very nutritious, as it provides energy and vitality and relaxes the nervous system. This, in turn, helps prevent disorders such as nervousness, irritability or anxiety.

    With the diet you can improve the symptoms of the sensitive intestine

    In conclusion, include some of these foods in your regular diet and you will undoubtedly feel relief if you have a delicate intestine in this regard.

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