10 Habits That Happy Couples Have

It is said that happy couples are those who manage to maintain the essence, love and good habits, despite going through difficulties. Relationships are never easy, and they require more than love to be lasting or lifelong.

Although there is no magic formula to preserve happiness in the couple, Mark Goulston, psychiatrist, consultant and international speaker, revealed the 10 good habits that happy couples have and that in one way or another help to strengthen the sentimental ties between them. members of the couple.

1. Habits of happy couples: go to bed at the same time

When the relationship is beginning, it is very normal for the two people to feel anxious about going to bed together and sharing that special moment. Maintaining this habit even as the years go by is one of the secrets to strengthening the relationship and maintaining happiness.

Goulston suggests that the dialogue and the rubbing of the skin that occurs when both go to bed together  contributes to improving communication as a couple and not losing sexual desire.

2. Cultivate common interests

As the couple get to know each other, they realize that they may have few interests in common. This is not to say that they cannot be made for each other; On the contrary, it may be the opportunity to start doing activities together and get out of the routine.

Of course, so that the relationship does not become dependent for both of them, it is very important to respect the spaces and preserve those activities that each one does on their own.

3. Happy couples walk hand in hand

Although many times it is not taken into account, through the hands you can establish a unique connection with the other person. The contact of the hands produces pleasant sensations that help to preserve the happiness and the essence of happy couples.

Goulston’s recommendation is to always go hand in hand, rather than one of the two lagging behind because of slowing down or stopping to look at something.

4. Trust and forgive

The union of couples can be affected by disagreements, arguments, fights, misunderstandings, anger and all those things that momentarily seem to have no solution.

In order not to let this affect the happiness of both of you, it is very important to learn to dialogue and control negative feelings before throwing offensive words or doing something that you don’t really want.

The general recommendation is not to wear yourself out and learn to forgive and trust each other. These two ingredients are the foundation of lasting relationships.

5. Focus on the qualities of the partner

Highlighting the flaws of the couple is not healthy and all it does is destroy the relationship. It is very important to emphasize the qualities of the partner and try to highlight them as many times as possible. By looking only for the good things, the relationship is filled with positive energy and fights away.

6. Hug each other when you meet again

The power of hugs is incredible and even more so when they are as a couple. According to the expert, “the skin has a memory of good caresses” (love), “bad caresses” (abuse) and “without caresses” (neglect) ”.

Obviously in happy couples “good caresses” predominate and are present, for example, after a tiring day at work, a few days away or in a sudden moment.

7. Say “I love you” and “good morning” every morning

To start the day in the best way and cultivate values ​​such as patience, respect and affection, nothing better than repeating these two phrases every morning. Although everything must be demonstrated with deeds, the power of the word also strengthens, encourages, and renews vows over and over again.

8. Happy couples say good night.

The “good nights” are a finishing touch to end the day in the best way, showing that you want the best for the other, despite the difficulties of the day, fatigue or possible problems that have occurred during the day.

9. Call during the day

Without the intention of making calls or text messages a form of “control” over the couple, the expert indicates that it is a habit that maintains complicity and connection when both cannot physically see each other.

10. Feeling proud to be seen as a couple

Happy couples often show their love socially and when they meet in public. Without making the people around them uncomfortable, couples tend to hold hands, kiss, share a hug or dedicate any kind of affection to show that there is a very special connection between them.

In summary, these customs that we have named can define what happy couples carry out in their day to day. However, each relationship is different and, even if you do not comply with all these customs with your partner, you can also consider yourself a happy couple. If you think there are problems in your relationship, do not hesitate to consult a couples therapist!

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