4 Faster Ways To Lower Sizes

How long have you spent trying to drop sizes without success? Have you analyzed what are the reasons why you do not get it?

This time we will give you some options that will allow you to lower sizes quickly, easily and fun.

Don’t you believe us? Read on, as they are all easily applicable tips from today .

After reading them tell us what you think and which ones are the best for you. It will be interesting to know which ones have been the most useful to you.

How to lower sizes?

1. Stop dieting

lower vegetable sizes

Do you know what the problem is with thinking that you should go on a diet and set a date to start? That you see the diet as a punishment that challenges you and you will start thinking about when to finish it.

In stead of, It is recommended that you take the time to learn about good eating habits  and their effects on your body.

In this way you will understand what happens with each food and it will be easier to avoid those that harm you.

In addition, it is important that you learn to identify the portions that do not create a big problem.

We tend to think that being on a diet forces us to eat alone vegetables or salads.   The reality is that a well thought out and designed diet covers all the food groups and allows you an occasional treat.

In fact, this study carried out by the Las Condes Clinic (Chile) emphasizes that the best diet to lose weight is the one that chooses foods with few calories, not a few foods in itself.

If you have trouble understanding how food works or you are not sure what you need, visit a nutritionist to explain everything you need.

2. Work your body in all areas

When we think about downsizing, we tend to be concerned with the most visible problem areas.

The normal thing is that there are areas of your body with greater accumulation of fat but it is necessary to strengthen all the muscles equally .

This will help improve your cardiovascular system, according to this study carried out by the University Hospital of San Juan (Alicante).

If you do not have time to do several hours of exercise a day, try to dedicate each day to two different areas and types of sport, varying intensity .

3. Keep track of what you eat

food lower sizes

When you don’t know what you are doing wrong or you are not clear about what you are eating, it is difficult to know if you are sabotaging your effort to reduce sizes.

The best way to inform yourself is by keeping an exact record of what you eat.

It does not matter if it is something very small in appearance, any food that you put in your mouth must be registered .

Do this for at least a month and then analyze:

  • What are the foods you eat most frequently?
  • What are the foods that you eat less frequently?
  • What foods do you consume the most at each moment of the day?
  • What is your mood during every moment of the day?
  • At what time of the day do you have cravings or do you eat the least recommended foods?

Based on this information, you can design a diet and exercise plan that helps you fight or reinforces the habits you have, as needed.

For example, if you discover that you cannot lose sizes because in the afternoon you crave sweet things or you enter a depressed state, perhaps at that time you could include some sport.

This could be accompanied by an avocado smoothie or mousse that gives you the sweet feeling you want.

4. Get the proper hours of sleep

We know that we should sleep between 6 and 8 hours a day but the reality is that many of us do not.

Whether you have very aggressive schedules or you really prefer to sleep less, you should know that rest is vital to lose sizes.

This study carried out by the University of California (United States) affirms that when you do not sleep, more leptin , the appetite hormone, is generated . For this reason, it is not uncommon for people who stay up late at night to find themselves eating too much at such times.

From now on take sleep schedules very seriously and respect them. If you cannot reach 8 hours, try to sleep at least 6 without interruptions.

If you are interested in reducing sizes, do not hesitate to follow these tips, you will surely succeed!


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