4 Ideas To Take Advantage Of Stale Bread: Don’t Throw It Away!

Once the bread has become stale, it is useless to prepare almost anything within its usual uses, such as toast or sandwiches. Also, children do not like it and in certain situations it can be difficult to consume.

Normally, we tend to prefer freshly made foods, especially when they have a bread base. It does not matter if it is mold, whole wheat or a baguette. In the end, if it’s hard, it usually ends up in the trash to use for the day.

However, there are a number of additional uses for stale bread. In this way, you also avoid wasting food and feed. Next, we develop several of them.

1. Breadcrumbs derived from stale bread

Breadcrumbs are very useful in order to prepare many of the most common dishes. The procedure consists of, using the stale bread from previous days, cutting it into slices and grinding or grating it until obtaining a good quantity of grains.

The most recommended thing is that the bread is really hard since, in this way, we will achieve that it is much finer after grating it.

Finally, store it in a plastic bag and wait two days before using it to make your breading. In this way, it will be much drier and crunchier and the recipes will be tastier.

2. Delicious French toast

The torrijas are in a very simple plate. Quite similar to French toast or pain perdu, the base is to soak slices of stale bread in sweetened milk. It is the one of the tastiest options. The procedure to prepare them is as follows.

Remember not to overdo it with sugar, since it could affect your health, as stated in this study carried out by the Virgen del RocĂ­o University Hospital.

What I need?

  • A loaf of stale bread.
  • 250 ml of milk and an egg.
  • 40 grams of sugar and 20 grams of cinnamon.
  • 40 grams of sunflower oil.

How are torrijas prepared?

First, cut the bread into slices. Then soak them with the milk that we will have previously mixed with cinnamon.

Then pass them through the beaten egg, on both sides. Finally, fry them in a pan where you have put the sunflower oil to heat. Now you just have to pour a little sugar on top. In this way, the dish is finished.

3. Croutons

They are one of the most original ways to reuse stale bread. Croutons are perfect to accompany our soups and creams, and also to make original garnishes in our dishes. The procedure to make them is as follows.

What I need?

  • Half a loaf of stale bread.
  • Olive oil.
  • Aromatic herbs, such as thyme or oregano.

How are croutons prepared?

First cut the bread into thick slices and then into small squares. Then you have to fry them in oil. If you prefer, you can add a spice or medicinal plant to the oil, such as thyme or oregano. They will be tastier and will add more flavor to the dish.

Whole grains for hemorrhoids

When the croutons are golden brown, you can remove them from the pan. It is recommended to use a blotting paper to remove excess oil.

4. Canapes and original hors d’oeuvres

With a little imagination, it is very simple and advisable to make canapes These can be a very good option for lunch or snacks. They are one of the best known desserts. To prepare them, the following steps can be followed.

First, cut the stale bread into thin slices. Afterwards, you have to toast them for a few minutes in the oven with a little oil, pepper and oregano.

Once they are golden and crisp, you can add the mixture on top. You can put, for example, pieces of salmon with avocado. You can also add cherry tomatoes, celery, garlic and a little blue cheese on top.

Any of these options is recommended and easy to prepare.

Regardless, it is important to mention the fact that stale bread can be reused as long as it is 3-5 days old. After that time, it tends to start to rot, so it is important to  observe that it does not have any yeast or mold.

Sliced bread is usually the most perishable. Therefore, it is more advisable to carry out these ideas with baguettes or the classic loaves of bread.

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