5 Reasons To Eat Gelatin In The Diet

Gelatin is a food with sugar that we can take advantage of for energy and thus, stay active throughout the day.

Gelatin has become popular as one of the desserts that can be incorporated into the diet when you want to lose weight in a healthy way. This is a food that contains, above all, proteins and therefore can contribute to the health of the body.

For a long time it was thought that it was not convenient to consume it, since it was considered that having colorants, sugar and other additives, its properties were lost.

However, today it is known that moderate consumption of gelatin, within a balanced diet, is not harmful. However, it is advisable to choose the varieties without added sugar.

In addition, it is advisable to take advantage of this dessert in those moments when you have a lot of anxiety to eat, because it is when it is easier to fall into industrial foods, such as fried foods and pastries.

Among other things, gelatin contains water and sugar, and to a certain extent, proteins that, once they are assimilated in the body, can promote the formation of muscle mass and other processes that intervene in weight.

Why is it recommended to eat gelatin in the diet? Find out!

What is gelatin?

Before knowing the benefits of gelatin in the diet to lose weight, it is convenient that we review what this food is and what it is made of.

Also called “gelatin”, it is a thickener of animal origin that is obtained by processing the connective tissues of cattle and pigs.

In the market it can be found as unflavored gelatin in powder or sheets, which is usually used in the preparation of desserts and other interesting variety of recipes. It is composed mainly of collagen, but it also provides carbohydrates, antioxidants, and water.

Reasons to eat gelatin in the diet

There are several reasons why eating gelatin in your diet helps you lose weight. Of course, it all depends on the ways you prepare.

In general, if it is combined with healthy and natural ingredients, it is an ideal dessert for any balanced diet. Let’s see its benefits below.

1. Calm the anxiety to eat

Woman looking at some cakes.

One of the most prominent benefits of eating gelatin in the diet is that it helps alleviate hunger. Thanks to this, a low-calorie snack is enjoyed that reduces those continuous cravings that lead to overeating.

2. It would improve sports performance

Despite its low calorie content, gelatin is a source of protein and carbohydrates that serve as an energy source. Together with its vitamins and minerals, it is a complete food that would improve sports performance.

However, there is no article in the scientific literature that relates the consumption of gelatin with better sports performance. The amount of protein it provides is not enough to improve post-exercise recovery or to stimulate protein synthesis in the body. The following study speaks of a minimum protein quantity of 20 grams – post-training – to improve recovery.

Effects of gelatin on collagen synthesis

One of the properties attributed to gelatin in sports was its ability to stimulate collagen synthesis. This effect would accelerate the recovery of damaged tendons. However, the following study has not found such a relationship using a combination of gelatin enriched with vitamin C.

3. Helps build muscle mass


One of the amino acids that gelatin provides is arginine. This substance, when assimilated in the body, helps to obtain creatine. This compound is decisive in the process of building muscle mass. Along with other proteins it is ideal for a strong and toned body.

Although the regular intake of gelatin can improve the total amount of protein ingested, it represents a very small portion of the necessary amount. To generate muscle hypertrophy, protein intakes of around 1.8 g / kg weight / day are needed, according to the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

4. Improves digestion

Eating gelatin in the diet can improve digestive processes and the assimilation of some nutrients. This is due to its content of an amino acid called “glycine”, which stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It could also fight constipation and reduce acid reflux.

However, there are no studies to confirm these claims, so it is a natural remedy based on popular belief.

5. It has no fat or cholesterol

Unlike other diet desserts, light gelatin does not contain fat or cholesterol. If preparations with added sugars or artificial components are avoided, it is a very healthy snack that does not make you gain weight due to its low calorie content.

Menu with gelatin lose weight

Jellies in the diet.

The best way to reap the benefits of gelatin is to incorporate it in moderation into a balanced diet.


  • Fruit (1 piece, to taste).
  • 1 cup of tea or coffee (250 ml).
  • 1 glass of gelatin juice (250 ml).
  • 2 slices of whole wheat bread with cream cheese.


  • 1 bowl of mixed salad.
  • 3 servings of steamed vegetables.
  • 2 tablespoons of brown rice (40 g).
  • 1 serving of chicken or fish (100 g).
  • 1 portion of jelly blended with fruit.


  • Portion of light gelatin .
  • 1 bowl of vegetable soup.
  • 1 cup of green tea (250 ml).

Gelatin juice

Gelatin juice can be consumed as part of breakfast or at snack time. It is a quick and easy alternative. However, it should not be taken excessively, as it has a laxative effect.


  • Pieces of fruit (to taste).
  • 1 cup of hot water (250 ml).
  • 1 teaspoon of grated ginger (5 g).
  • 3 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin (45 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds (15 g).
  • Optional: ice cubes.


  • Dilute the unflavored gelatin in a cup of hot water.
  • Transfer it to the blender glass and process it with the other ingredients.

Consumption mode

  • Divide the juice for two servings a day: one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Eat gelatin, but always within a balanced diet

The menu proposed here is just one example of how to eat gelatin in a balanced diet. You should not base your daily diet only on the foods mentioned.

Since gelatin usually contains a large amount of added sugar, it is important to maintain a moderate consumption. Even if it is a light version or 0% sugar.

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