5 Satisfying Foods You Should Include In Your Breakfast To Lose Weight

Have you ever heard of satisfying foods for weight loss? It is true that starting the day in good spirits and energy is not always easy. However, something as simple as preparing a good balanced breakfast with nutritious foods will help you face the day in the best way.

Perhaps you have had breakfast from home and, after an hour, you feel an empty stomach. What is happening? Most likely, if your breakfast is based only on sweet products, white bread, cheeses or simple packaged juices, hunger will arise in a short time.

Eating poorly first thing in the day means having to peck. This leads, almost inevitably, to gaining weight in a way that we could avoid. Therefore, we suggest you make small and delicious changes. Starting today, include some of these foods. In this way, health will thank you.

1. Avocado, one of the best satiating foods for weight loss

The satisfying foods to lose weight are very varied.

It is enough with half an avocado a day. It is the perfect portion to obtain the adequate supply of proteins and healthy fatty acids that take care of the heart.

Far from what some people think, moderate avocado consumption will not make you gain weight. Moreover, according to a study carried out by several researchers from the University of Zulia, this delicious fruit  will help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL).

Therefore, feel free to combine it with other fruits or spread it on rye bread toast.

2. Eggs are good for the heart

Like everything in terms of food, the key is in balance and moderation. In this way, the following research published in 2015 by the Nutrients Magazine showed that the consumption of eggs does not intervene directly in the aggravation of cardiovascular or glucose problems.

What’s more, eggs are a protein and calorie food. In this sense, you can consume between 4 and 5 eggs per week.

  • Something as appetizing as preparing an omelette or a hard-boiled egg for breakfast will also help you lose weight.
  • These are satisfying foods that nourish and are also mediators in heart health.
  • In addition, they contain lecithin. A type of fat that favors the proper balance between good and bad cholesterol and also prevents it from adhering to the walls of the arteries.

3. Oatmeal, the best for breakfast

Both oatmeal and oatmeal are great options for a filling and healthy breakfast.

It contains fiber and helps lower cholesterol levels. In addition, the possibilities when preparing it are varied and delicious.

  • Oatmeal is a slow-absorbing, low-calorie food that contains soluble fiber. If you get used to taking it every day, you will avoid constipation and we will enjoy an exceptional internal balance more easily.
  • Also, this cereal contains nutrients that will satisfy hunger with enough energy until mealtime.

4. Papaya, a fruit that promotes digestion

Soft on the palate, delicious and with a melon-like flavor. Papaya is that fruit that you want almost at any time.

However, the best moment is undoubtedly at breakfast.

  • Papaya is a fruit that promotes digestion. Thanks to one of its enzymes (papain) it  contributes to the relief of inflammation or stomach discomfort.
  • In addition, as an article published by the Indian Magazine of Natural Products and Resources indicates , it is one of the best satisfying foods to provide vitamin C, potassium and dietary fiber.
  • Papaya also helps fight constipation, lower cholesterol levels, and regulate blood sugar.

If you want to make yourself a great breakfast, feel free to combine some Greek yogurt with papaya and a few walnuts. Spectacular!

5. Tomatoes, one of the satisfying foods to lose weight

Satisfying foods for weight loss can be of plant origin.

There are different varieties of tomatoes. However, all of them are equally recommended when it comes to taking care of health and promoting weight loss.

Along these lines … Why not include it in breakfast? It’s a sensational proposition worth trying.

  • You can combine a tomato with a little avocado, some eggs and even spread it on toast with olive oil.
  • Tomatoes don’t just help prevent premature aging. It also contains 94% water; which includes it in the list of satiating foods. For this reason, it is a great way to start your day.
  • On the other hand, lycopene (an antioxidant that gives it its reddish hue) generates a cardioprotective effect.
  • Remember to also consume it with skin to take advantage of its fiber. It is suitable for losing weight and improving digestion.

    Learn to eat a good breakfast with satisfying foods to lose weight

    As you have read, enjoying a satisfying and nutritious breakfast is easy if you choose the right foods. If possible, opt for those that are fresh and organically grown to take advantage of their benefits more naturally.

    You can accompany these satiating foods with a cup of coffee and a natural juice, if you wish . Start taking better care of yourself today!

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