5 Simple Tips To Prevent Cavities

Proper oral hygiene and visiting the dentist at least once a year will help us prevent cavities from forming.

Cavities are irreversible damage to the surface of the teeth that end up turning into holes. Although children are usually more prone to suffering from them due to consuming a lot of sweets, adults do not always have good oral hygiene and they can also suffer from them. In this article you will learn several tips to prevent cavities.

Why do cavities appear?

Germs coexist in the mouth that can cause cavities when they come into contact with saliva and other components. They appear when acid attacks tooth enamel, weakening the tooth and causing breakage. It is in this hole where tooth decay occurs, which looks like a black spot above the tooth.

The only way to prevent the bacteria from continuing to “eat” the tooth is to remove the damaged tissue and fill the gap with a special paste or amalgam. All this is done by the dentist. Cavities are not dangerous if they are treated early, although it is best to prevent the teeth from wearing out and weakening.

Tips to prevent cavities

First of all, it is necessary to carry out annual check-ups by visiting the dentist and maintaining good oral hygiene. Also, these tips can help prevent cavities.

Avoid sugars

prevent cavities: avoid sugars

Candy, candy, soda … anything that contains sugar can contribute to tooth decay. That is why it is important to brush your teeth well and floss after consuming sweets. And if it is not possible, it is best to drink water and rinse your mouth.

Brushing teeth

Experts recommend brushing your teeth twice a day, it is the key to good oral hygiene. It is recommended to bring a small travel brush for those times when you eat out.


prevent cavities: floss

Flossing helps remove debris that the toothbrush cannot reach. It is recommended to use it once a day making the correct movements so as not to damage the gums.

Eat foods rich in calcium

Prevent cavities: eat foods rich in calcium

Not only dairy products like milk or yogurt are sources of calcium, but also green vegetables like chard, spinach, and broccoli. Almonds are also very good for adding calcium to your body. Remember that the recommended daily amount varies from 1000 to 1300 mg per day, depending on age.

Eat raw vegetables and fruits

Prevent cavities: eat vegetables

Celery and carrots are excellent for cleaning teeth, as their fibers sweep away all the dirt. On the other hand, the apple with skin strengthens the teeth, whitens them and eliminates the remains of food that accumulate between them.

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