5 Ways To Make Drinking Water Less Boring: Delicious!

We know…  we have to drink more water! Between six and eight glasses a day, but how do you get it? The water does not taste like anything and, at times, it is heavy and even boring. It is possible that you have tried many times to ingest those two liters a day, because you need it, because you know that this way your kidneys work better.

If you are one of those who does not succeed despite the effort, do not worry. Today in our space we want to give you five fun ideas with which drinking water will be much easier. Do we take note?

1. Drink lemon water

A classic idea and that, surely, you have already tried more than once. We have talked to you on numerous occasions about this healthy remedy, to which properties are attributed (without sufficient scientific evidence) to purify our body, eliminate toxins and get a good “cocktail of vitamins and minerals”.


  • The juice of ½ lemon.
  • 1 glass of warm water (200 ml).

How to prepare it

We will start by obtaining the juice of half a lemon, and then mix it with that glass of warm water. Stir well and do not add sugar, it will be healthier and you will digest it better. It will suit you very well! Remember that, in case you have stomach problems or are suffering from an episode of diarrhea, lemon will not be recommended.

2. Water with cucumber

cucumber juice spearmint chotda

Cucumber water is refreshing, healthy, rich and could even be part of a weight loss program, because it is often included in salads and contains a lot of water.

Many people tend to consume it after weekends to eliminate those excesses that, sometimes, we commit during holidays. It will make you feel lighter and hydrate you. According to popular beliefs, it will also help you reduce that annoying headache that sometimes attacks in the afternoons.

Drinking cucumber water will provide you with antioxidant and cleansing benefits. If your goal is, for example, to lose weight and take care of your figure, it may be recommended that you consume it. Check the portions and the frequency of consumption with a nutritionist.


  • 1 liter of water.
  • A cucumber.
  • The juice of ½ lemon.
  • 4 ice cubes.

How to prepare it

We will start by peeling the cucumber and cleaning it well. Next, we will cut it into several pieces to make it easier to put it in the blender.

Later, we will obtain the juice of half a lemon. Next step? Very easy: we blend the cucumber and mix it with the water and lemon juice, making sure that it is a very homogeneous drink. Let it sit for half an hour in a jar and remember to add the 4 ice cubes. It’s delicious!

3. Water with fruit ice cubes


A fabulous idea! When you try it, it will not cost you to drink water anymore. Having fruit ice cubes is an easy resource for any time, and also ideal for the little ones to get used to consuming water.


  • Choose the fruit you want: strawberries, orange, pear or apple in pieces. It will always be more advisable to choose some acidic fruit, since the flavor will be more pleasant when mixing it with water.
  • You will also need an ice bucket.

How to prepare it

We will give you a simple example: we are going to make fruit cubes of strawberries and orange.  Take note:

  • We will start by cleaning the strawberries well, and then peel the orange and cut it into small pieces. The next step is to take an ice bucket, if it is big, much better.
  • We will introduce the pieces of fruit with a little water in each hole, so that, when it is frozen, the ice has that fruity heart inside.

In addition to fruits, you can also include aromatic herbs such as lavender or mint. It’s a must-try delight!

4. Water with fruit slices

-fruit water

The basic secret to drinking more water is to have a little more will and, if possible, enjoy while we drink. A great way to do this is by including certain pieces of fruit in your bottles.


  • 1 liter of water.
  • The fruit that you like the most, combined in an imaginative way to be able to play with the flavors.
  • A glass jar with a capacity of 1 and a half liters.

How to prepare it

It’s really easy to prepare. The key is to choose the most suitable fruits. Do you want an example? How about combining peach with pear and cinnamon? Or tangerine and watermelon? Delicious!

You can prepare a jar of each flavor. In one of them we include the peeled peach and cut into four parts, along with a cinnamon stick and half a peeled pear. Afterwards, you just have to fill it with a liter of fresh water. Very easy!

Now we are going to prepare the tangerine and watermelon jar. Very simple too: tear off the mandarin and put it in the glass jar.

Next, add four squares of watermelon to finally fill the container with a liter of very cool water. It is ideal for when we arrive in the afternoon tired from work. If you leave it prepared in the morning and put it in the refrigerator, it will be delicious and ready to drink.

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