6 Foods Forbidden In Blood Pressure Problems

One in five adults suffers from high blood pressure, a disorder that causes 9.4 million deaths every year worldwide, due to complications derived from it, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The first step to avoid it is a correct diet.

Therefore, in this article we tell you what foods you should avoid if you suffer from hypertension. Keep in mind that, apart from diet, quitting tobacco use, exercising regularly, avoiding alcohol and taking less salt would be essential changes.

What is high blood pressure and what causes it?

High blood pressure or hypertension  is not a joke, even if it is an ailment that, in general, does not manifest itself in an obvious way. In fact, this means that many of those who suffer from it do not make all the case that they should.

In addition, it  is one of the most common diseases that exist among the adult population, affecting around 33% of the population. When you suffer from high blood pressure , it is essential to eat a special diet to keep it under control and for our body to function properly.

Aging or the genetic factor are some of the non-modifiable causes that increase the risk of an increase in blood pressure. There are, however, other factors that can lead to a rise in blood pressure, such as an  inadequate diet, being overweight or lack of physical activity.

Forbidden foods if you have high blood pressure problems

Salt with sodium and cardiovascular health.

1. Foods rich in added salt

The first thing if you have high blood pressure is not to put salt in your meals or to reduce it, because now sodium has become your worst enemy. At most, you can take 1000 milligrams of sodium a day, which would be the equivalent of 2 grams of common salt. Keep in mind that sodium is also present in the composition of many foods.

2. Ultra-processed edibles

You have to  avoid all kinds of ultraprocesada food, either packaged or canned. Since, even those in which they are indicated that they are low in salt, they can still be a source of sodium that can be part of other salts as preservatives, such as sodium benzoate, or as flavorings, such as monosodium glutamate.

3. Caffeinated drinks

The caffeine in coffee, soft drinks, and some teas can help raise blood pressure. Therefore, its daily consumption can contribute to hypertension. In fact, all drinks that include caffeine can cause an increase in blood pressure, with soda or caffeinated infusions being the most common.

Maintain a moderate consumption of these types of drinks and, whenever you can, avoid them. If you have doubts about this, remember that you can always consult your doctor.

4. Dairy products

Dairy products are a good source of minerals like calcium and magnesium. But they are also rich in saturated fat, which has a tendency to raise blood pressure. Therefore, if you are a lover of dairy products, be sure to consume milk, yogurt and low-fat or fat-free cheese, in moderation and always within a balanced diet.

5. Industrial seasonings (or foods rich in these)

Chicken bouillon, mustard, ketchup or Worcestershire sauce, among others, have high amounts of sodium, putting them at the top of the forbidden foods for people with high blood pressure. There is nothing better than using spices and condiments such as basil, parsley, lemon, etc.

Many industrial sauces and condiments include components that are rich in salt, so try to avoid them and use aromas or spices.

6. Foods rich in saturated and trans fats

Junk food is bad for your health

The chicken or crispy chips are a temptation that can cost you dearly. Fried food is high in fat, which can contribute to overweight and high blood pressure. It is best to have baked or grilled chicken and baked or boiled potatoes.

Keep in mind that saturated fats, especially trans fats , are bad for the heart and blood vessels. This is because the circulatory system is under a lot of stress from high blood pressure, and extra stress can be devastating.

Finally, remember that specialists recommend both hypertensive people, and anyone who wants to prevent any problem related to stress, the practice of a healthy lifestyle  as the best way to prevent future blood pressure problems.

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