6 Great Benefits Of Doing Pilates Every Week

More and more people are practicing Pilates every week. What begins as a way of doing physical exercise usually becomes a very beneficial practice for physical and mental health.

Among its benefits, Pilates helps us lose weight, have good muscles, improve posture and combat nervous disorders such as stress or anxiety.

In this article we review what are the great benefits that Pilates brings us, a technique that allows us to be in shape without the risk of injuring ourselves.

At the same time, we increase flexibility and achieve a contoured silhouette that we will not want to lose.

6 great benefits of Pilates

Girl doing pilates with a swiss ball

1. You lose weight gradually

With the practice of Pilates we activate the metabolism, which is the body function that regulates energy expenditure. By speeding it up, we increase body temperature, sweating and calorie burning. In this way, we facilitate weight loss in a gradual way.

Ideally, you should combine Pilates with some type of aerobic exercise, such as walking, dancing, running, swimming, cycling, etc.

This way we will have a good body balance between toning and cardiovascular activities. This is the healthiest and most effective way to lose weight and not regain lost weight.

2. You tone the muscles without injuring yourself

Doing Pilates every week is a great way to tone muscles and increase strength and endurance.

The different muscles of the whole body are worked in a very complete and specific way. Also, there is a balance between the top and the bottom, unlike in other sports.

  • Another great advantage is that, in addition to strengthening the muscles, we avoid any type of injury.
  • This is thanks to the type of exercises that are carried out, with the body’s own weight or low-weight tools. Light weights, elastic bands, balls of different sizes, straps, etc. are used.

    3. You mold the figure

    By facilitating weight loss and gradually toning the muscles, we are able to shape the figure. The muscle does not gain volume, it is only more defined. At the same time, stretching and flexibility exercises also improve the silhouette.

    4. You improve posture

    Woman doing the cobra pose.

    The elements that we have listed also result in an improvement in body posture.

    The toned muscles of the abdomen are the perfect support for a straight back, and the same is true the other way around. Firm lumbar and lats help us maintain a good abdomen.

    • Also strong legs and glutes are necessary as support for the torso. The whole body works in a balanced way.
    • In this sense, Pilates works everything holistically so that no part of the body is unbalanced.

      5. You increase flexibility

      Pilates exercises always include stretching. These are done at the beginning and end, but are also incorporated into the toning techniques.

      A good stretch is essential to fully work the muscle and that it is not limited to a contraction.

      By always doing the stretching we will notice an increase in flexibility. This will help us avoid injuries and muscle and joint problems. It will also contribute to a good posture and a better predisposition to do any other sport.

      6. You reduce stress

      Woman doing bridge with support.

      Sports not only help us lose weight, improve muscles and be in general shape. The regular practice of physical exercise brings many benefits to the nervous system. In this sense, it helps us fight disorders such as stress, anxiety or depression.

      In particular, Pilates requires good concentration and coordination. These two capacities force us to clear our minds and put aside the worries of each day, as well as any work, family or emotional overload or stress.

      While we are doing the session, the mind focuses on issues such as movement, strength, balance or breathing. In this way, the practice of Pilates becomes a powerful anti-stress remedy.

      According to a study published in 2017, Pilates is an activity that contributes to mental health. In view of this, the researchers encourage the scientific community to continue to deepen the matter, to clear up more unknowns on the subject.

      Exercise and sport are keys to well-being

      Marcelo Rodríguez Ceberio, clinical psychologist and researcher, comments that sport contributes to well-being. So, pay attention to what he and other experts say about it, because they could help us feel better every day.

      It is not about making life revolve around sports or exercise, but about maintaining an active lifestyle and knowing that, just as the body needs rest and food, it also needs activity to be healthy and enjoy well-being.

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