6 Natural Oils That Help Hair Growth

Do you know which are the most recommended oils that help hair growth? Have you ever used one?

To promote hair growth it is necessary to maintain a balanced diet and other good lifestyle habits. Now, we can additionally resort to the application of certain elements, such as different natural oils. Either as a rinse or a cream bath.

6 oils that help hair growth

Although there has been some specific research on the relationship between hair growth and the application of oils (vegetable or essential, depending on the case), no scientific literature has been found that indicates that they are completely effective, in all cases and scenarios.

However, in the popular sphere it is still considered that the use of oils can contribute to the nutrition of the hair and help it grow healthier, in less time.

Important notes

  • If you have a chronic skin condition or sensitive skin, it is important to consult with your dermatologist before applying any oil to your hair.
  • In case of allergies, it is convenient to put a few drops of oil on the forearm and evaluate the reaction for a few minutes. If it is positive, then you can use the oil. Otherwise, you will have to suspend its use.
  • According to the experts of Medical News Today, to promote hair growth, the best thing to do is to maintain a balanced, varied, complete and sufficient diet, among other good lifestyle habits.

Everyone chooses the oil that most attracts their attention due to its composition or the aroma that attracts them the most. For this reason, there are those who opt for coconut, while others prefer argan or almond.

1. Coconut oil

One of the oils that help hair growth is coconut oil, which is made up of medium chain triglycerides. These have the ability to penetrate the cell membrane of the hair to deeply nourish it.

How to use?

  • Apply a little coconut oil to the hair and scalp and then massage gently for a few minutes. It is advisable to try to do it for several areas of the head.
  • It can also be used as a base ingredient for hair masks. For example, with avocado paste.

2. Olive oil

Another oil that helps hair growth is olive oil. In fact, it is one of the most popular options and today it can be found in the formula of multiple beauty and hair care products.

The olive oil deeply nourishes and at the same time leaves the strands soft and shiny.

How to use?

  • Ideally, apply it directly to the scalp and hair ends for best results.
  • It can be mixed with rosemary oil for optimal results.
  • To take full advantage of its benefits, it is recommended to apply olive oil to the hair once a week, as a complementary treatment.

    3. Castor oil

    Castor oil and soybean oil

    Castor oil is widely used to hydrate and, in turn, promote hair and eyelash growth. It has a mild aroma, so it is not unpleasant.

    How to use?

    • Apply all over the scalp and massage gently in a circular motion for a few minutes while working.
    • The procedure can be repeated each time the hair is washed, in order to provide the hair with continuous nutrition and hydration.

    4. Jojoba oil

    One of the oils that help hair growth has a very unique way of providing benefits. It is said that, unlike other essential oils, jojoba oil does not penetrate the hair. Instead, it coats the hair and seals the hair follicle, thus preventing breakage and shedding.

    How to use?

    • It can be applied to the hair and scalp, but it is necessary to rinse it to avoid leaving a greasy feeling.
    • Another good option is to add ⅛ part of jojoba oil to your regular shampoo and use it as usual.

    5. Rosemary oil

    All the benefits of rosemary.

    The rosemary plant has medicinal properties for internal use, as well as many benefits in its external use. Rosemary is able to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, helping to have healthier hair.

    This oil is believed to have the ability to promote hair growth and slow down hair loss. In addition, it fights dandruff and softens brittle hair.

    How to use?

    • To begin with, it can be applied directly to the hair and scalp to take advantage of its benefits.
    • If you want to enhance its effects, the ideal is to heat a tablespoon of rosemary oil with a tablespoon of olive oil and some dried rosemary leaves. This mixture is applied throughout the hair, left on for 30 minutes and rinsed off.

    On the other hand, like the other oils already mentioned, it works as a hydrating conditioner, providing a silky appearance to the hair, without forgetting to control the sebum production of the scalp to keep the roots clean and hydrated.

    6. Avocado oil

    Another oil that helps hair growth is avocado oil. It stands out for its high content of healthy fatty acids and vitamins. For this reason it is one of the best hair products. 

    Avocado contains vitamins A, B6 and E, which nourish, repair and improve hair health. In addition, it is rich in antioxidants that increase blood flow to the hair follicles and, therefore, would promote hair growth.

    How to use?

    • To start, heat a tablespoon of avocado oil with a tablespoon of olive oil.
    • Then apply it with a gentle massage throughout the hair and scalp.
    • Finally, wrap the hair in a towel and leave for 20 minutes and rinse.

    Other essential oils for hair

    Sunflower seeds and oil

    Although the oils mentioned above are the most widely used, there are other options available as well.

    Sunflower oil

    Sunflower oil can be very effective in cases of excess hair sebum. According to some research, it regulates the concentration of linoleic acid in the skin, resulting in a decrease in seborrheic symptoms.

    Lavender oil

    It is very beneficial if, for example, you have an oily scalp that produces too much sebum, since lavender oil helps balance the pH of the scalp, and this makes it easier for the hair follicle to be clean and allows the growth of new hair.

    In addition, multiple studies support its benefits for faster hair growth  thanks to increased blood flow.

    Almonds oil

    Like other hair oils, it strengthens the scalp, hydrates it and controls excess hair sebum. Despite its high content of vitamin E (always associated with hair care), there are not enough studies to support its epithelial properties.

    Almond oil also contains B vitamins, which contribute to the metabolism of keratin protein, strengthening the hair.

    Hair growth also depends on diet

    In the face of dryness, stagnation and other common problems, many people turn to oils to make their hair look healthy, long, shiny and silky again. Its application as a mask contributes to capillary health because it deeply hydrates the scalp and strands.

    To promote hair growth, you need to maintain a whole set of good habits, not just apply oils. It must be remembered that food also plays a key role. 

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