6 Natural Products To Remove Grease From The Countertop

The use and handling of different foods can leave a trace in the kitchen. A witness to this is the countertop, commonly splattered or stained with food scraps. Don’t worry, there are several natural products to remove grease from the countertop that can help you.

Cooking something you like is truly comforting. Besides being relaxing, it allows us to indulge ourselves when it comes to eating. However, when it comes to cleaning the used items, the joy decreases considerably.

Beware: it also happens to those who follow a strictly healthy diet. Vegetables, meats, fruits… all ingredients can leave grease stains in and around the kitchen.

In particular, today we will take care of the countertop. Due to its position and use, it is a clear candidate to suffer the consequences of dirt. Next, we offer you a list of the best natural products to remove grease from the countertop.

Natural products to remove grease from the countertop

The material with which it is made will largely determine the natural products to eliminate the grease of the countertop that we use. The main thing, of course, is to keep the furniture in good condition.

1.- Baking soda

That we repeat it over and over again as advice when cleaning, luckily, it does not diminish its effectiveness. Baking soda is a great ally for disinfection and cleaning.

How to use it on the countertop? It is extremely simple; Mix it with water to clean stone countertops, whether natural or not. You can use a cup of water with a small handful of baking soda and voila, it should be more than enough to remove grease stains.

2.- Vaseline and white vinegar

This striking combination is effective in bringing shine back to marble, granite and stone countertops. You just have to mix half a tablespoon of petroleum jelly and a tablespoon of white vinegar in a container. Then add a little water to dilute them as well.

Your kitchen can be like new with these natural products to remove grease from the countertop.

The last step is to rub this preparation over the counter with kitchen paper. In seconds, it will begin to regain its natural shine.

3.- Neutral soap

This product, which you can perfectly make at home, is very useful for these purposes. Its main virtue is that it offers the possibility of cleaning without damaging the shine of marble or granite countertops.

To use it, you must combine it with hot water and use a soft sponge to wipe it over the dirty surface.

4.- Use lemon to clean marble

If grease has stained your marble countertop, lemon is a natural product that can help you perfectly. To do this, squeeze half a lemon over a little warm water.

Then add a teaspoon of alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Finally, with a kitchen paper, we will spread the preparation on the surface with fat.

The explanation for this method lies in the high degreasing power of lemon. This will help remove all kinds of dirt from our countertop.

5.- Vinegar and water for daily cleaning

It is true that not every day we will be faced with the mission of cleaning a very dirty countertop. Therefore, having a lighter and more express resource is also useful.

In these cases, it can be helpful to mix a little vinegar with water. Then use a cloth –  preferably cotton – to wipe the surface with it.

This way you will avoid the accumulation of waste and dust on a day-to-day basis. It is a quick and simple solution that you can perfectly prepare with what you have at home.

Natural products to remove grease from the countertop will allow you to have a sparkling kitchen.

6.- Last resort: soap and water

A highly recommended conventional option for wood countertops. Yes, it is true that soap is not a natural product, but it is what this type of furniture requires. The use of the substances that we have been discussing in this article can be corrosive to delicate wood.

In fact, you shouldn’t even apply too much water on the sponge you use. Make sure it is barely damp to remove dirt as quickly as possible; speed will help you avoid over-sticking.

As you can see, natural products to remove grease from the countertop offer variables and many benefits. Forget about this problem by using them and dedicate yourself exclusively to making your family meals delicious.

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