6 Signs Of Alcohol Addiction

If you make alcohol the protagonist of your life every day, you probably have a problem that you are not able to control.

Do you think alcohol is making itself present in your life on a frequent basis? What are the signs of alcohol addiction to watch out for? Sometimes, in the early stages, one may doubt about the chances one has of becoming an addict or not.

However, for these doubts to be dispelled, we present you 6 signs that indicate that you may be close to suffering from an alcohol addiction.

Alcohol addiction and its signs

The World Health Organization (WHO) warns of the importance of establishing the detection of alcohol consumption in time to avoid the development of different problems generated by the lack of control.

In this sense, specialists in the area also point out that it is crucial to go to a specialized help center if one is not able to control their impulses; since this enemy acts stealthily, but there are signs that can give it away.

Of course, of some you will only be aware yourself; So open your eyes to ask for professional support and don’t deny what, perhaps, could become a problem over time.

1. Drink ahead of time

What does it mean to drink ahead of time? Well, if, for example, you have met some friends to watch a football game and you are going to enjoy some good beers during it, you already start with alcohol intake earlier.

Alcohol addiction

Maybe you have a few shots of a drink that you like, have a cubata or open a bottle of wine. This is to the taste of the consumer, but the important thing is that you drink alcohol before there is even that social encounter with which you will justify the intake of this substance.

2. You start to fixate and reject non-alcoholic beverages

If you already have a problem of addiction to alcohol, or are starting, you may notice why you start making fun of those drinks that are low alcohol and those “without alcohol”.

Although you may think that this is something unimportant, in reality it does when it is a way of defending the consumption of drinks with higher degrees of alcohol, or drinking more of those that have lower degrees.

3. Drinking too fast, one of the signs of alcohol addiction

It is true that in certain social contexts people tend to drink, but naturally and without anxiety.

However, if you are at risk for or already have an addiction to alcohol, you may have been told so and you may not have realized that you are drinking too fast, as if you were thirsty. In fact, it seems that socializing is not the important thing, but the fact of drinking.

4. You check the minibar

If the first thing you do when entering a hotel room is not to look at the views, to observe how the bathroom is or how comfortable the bed is; Instead, you go straight to the minibar, then you are facing an incipient alcohol addiction problem.

You find yourself in a novel space with things to explore rather than looking at that compartment. In addition, you also have to think about the previous situation, before entering the room are you already thinking and imagining about the minibar and its contents?

5. You check your alcohol reserves every day

Be careful if among the daily chores (in addition to preparing food, cleaning the house and ordering certain spaces) is to check the reserves of alcoholic beverages.


This would not be a problem if it did not cause you anxiety and even make you lose concentration at certain times of the day. So the fear of running out of these types of supplies can be a clear warning of alcohol addiction.

6. You look for friends who like to drink

When you find yourself in a deeper addiction to alcohol, then you begin to detract not only from those drinks with little or no alcohol, but also from people who do not like to drink.


Suddenly, you find yourself looking for new friends who share this taste and leave out those who don’t. Even if they are loyal, even if you have known them your whole life; addiction can more than any relationship.

Alcohol addiction, that dangerous enemy

Alcohol addiction, like any other, already warns you that something is happening before you are immersed in it. The problem is that their signals are sometimes so subtle that they go unnoticed.

When addiction goes too far, sometimes the desire to back off is difficult because of the power that has been given to that addiction; not knowing how to stop him and allowing him to control you. Therefore, it is crucial that you go to the nearest Health Center for help. They will contact you with the best specialists in the area to give you the support you need.

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