6 Tips To Prevent Osteoporosis With Diet

To prevent osteoporosis, it is essential to guarantee the supply of calcium and vitamin D.

We all love to move freely and for sure this is something that you enjoy too. Therefore, prevent Osteoporosis is an essential step in maintaining health throughout life.

You surely know that the key to this goal is to provide the correct amount of calcium to your bones. But do you really do it? Are you aware of how you can achieve it through food? Thinking about it, we want to leave you some recommendations to prevent osteoporosis with your diet.

6 tips to prevent osteoporosis with diet

Benefits of preparing canary seed milk

1. First measures

How old are you? How long ago did you start to worry about developing osteoporosis? Few of us think about preventing this and other diseases when we are young and do not have any health problems.

However, that is just the ideal. The sooner you start taking steps to prevent its development, the better your chances of success. In this sense, you should also review your family history.

In case your closest relatives have experienced this problem, it is advisable to take measures from the age of 20 or 30. Ideally, add foods rich in calcium that strengthen bone mass and prevent rapid degeneration.

2. Limit your salt intake

Another step to prevent osteoporosis is to reduce the amount of salt you consume on a daily basis. While they do not exist studies Regarding the impact that salt has on your bones, it has been seen that people with high blood pressure have greater loss of bone density. This is indicated by an article published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism .

It is important that you know that salt increases the amount of calcium excreted by the body through urine . Over time, and if you don’t avoid this situation, the bones will get thinner and thinner.

  • The alternative to avoid wasting would be to add a calcium supplement or eat more foods rich in this mineral.

3. Eat more nuts

Nuts: walnuts.

A delicious alternative to prevent osteoporosis is to eat regularly walnuts and seeds. These include pistachios, peanuts, and almonds, but you want to make sure they are as natural as possible.

These foods are rich in bone-strengthening minerals, such as phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, and calcium. . The recommendation that they be natural is because commercial versions tend to contain high amounts of sodium and fat. This causes them to be less healthy and to alter your health.

Ideally, you should eat one or two servings of these foods each day. You can take them as a snack to kill hunger at noon or mid-afternoon.

4. Limit your consumption of sodas

According to a study carried out in 2006, cola drinks cause a higher incidence of osteoporosis in adult women. In this study, the effects of consuming cola drinks with caffeine and phosphoric acid on bone density were analyzed.

The result was that women who consumed cola every day have a reduction in the size of certain bones in the body compared to those who avoided these drinks. Therefore, we should limit this habit.

5. Include dairy as part of your daily diet

dairy products

Without a doubt, one of the foods that we most associate with preventing osteoporosis is milk and its derivatives. Due to its amount of calcium, this food is one of the key nutrients for bone formation.

To avoid getting bored with this food, alternate between the options you have available: yogurt, cheeses, and milk. Three servings of dairy products daily are enough to cover the calcium needs of a person of regular health.

6. Eat a piece of salmon regularly

Another food that will allow you to prevent osteoporosis is salmon. By now, we’ve all heard about its benefits for losing weight and as part of a healthy diet. What you may not know is that this type of fish is rich in vitamin D .

This vitamin is key for your body to absorb and process calcium, according to research published in the journal JAMA . When you don’t consume adequate amounts, you may have bone problems even if you eat too many calcium-rich products.

  • You can alternate the salmon with other foods rich in vitamin D, such as tuna, mushrooms, and egg yolk.

    Varied diet to prevent osteoporosis

    Follow these tips and you can prevent osteoporosis and other diseases. In this way, your quality of life will improve. Remember that regular exercise and sun exposure also improve bone density and reduce the risk of developing this pathology.

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