6 Ways To Connect With Your Partner

Would you like your relationship to be as sincere and happy as before? We give you the keys to reconnect with each other in the next article.

Connecting with your partner can be a daunting task. We do not speak only of those moments after a strong argument, but also of those strange times in which one is unable to recognize the other. 

It is important to prevent these situations from perpetuating over time, since they could damage the relationship and even break it.

Therefore, we are going to give you the main keys to reconnect with the other in a simple and assertive way. Take note!

How to reconnect with your partner

Girl turning her back to guy on the couch.

Connecting with your partner will allow you to rekindle and improve your relationship.

1. Don’t isolate yourself

When we argue and we are very angry, the usual thing for anyone is to get away from the partner, retreat to another room or leave the house slamming the door.

  • To the extent that you physically distance yourself and the screams prevent hearing the other, everything tends to get complicated and get worse .
  • Although in that moment of anger you do not feel like it, try to get closer and seek physical contact.

Claim the other’s gaze, take his arm or hand, touch his hair or hug him. This will activate the positive feelings and help the tone of voice to lower and the atmosphere to relax.

2. Control your body language

After a heated discussion and despite what we can say at the moment to smooth things over, our body emits signals of annoyance that prevent spontaneous approach.

For this reason, it is necessary to identify and control the great quantity of corporal gestures that put a barrier between both :

  • Hands closed
  • Crossed arms
  • Frown
  • Head low

Instead of maintaining this attitude, relax and look directly into your partner’s eyes. If possible, smile to indirectly invite him to come over without fear of rejection or reproach for what happened.

3. Have a sense of humor

Couple laughing in bed.

To relax the atmosphere a bit and connect with your partner, it is important to take the iron off the issue. You have to do it with some moderation and dose it so that it is not misinterpreted, avoiding sarcasm and ridicule .

If there’s something that kids like so much mens like women is that their partners have a good sense of humor and, in a funny and humorous way, do not take silly problems so seriously.

You can tell a joke or propose to see a funny movie. Little by little, you will feel more relaxed.

4. Sorry

If you want to reestablish the union and connect with your partner in a sincere way, forgiveness is the best act that can be exercised. However To really work it must be done from the heart .

Forgiving is a gesture of nobility that will open the way for a new beginning between the two of you. It will also allow you to recognize your own mistakes and reflect so as not to make the same mistakes.

Forgiveness does not mean feeling defeated or agreeing with the partner, even when we are sure they are not. To forgive is to give yourself a new opportunity to move on, in a space of full trust.

5. Affection and caresses must be present

The tension and annoyance that a couple’s argument produces immediately leads to temporary estrangement. To connect with your partner, take the initiative to get closer to her, as we discussed in the first point.

This is no time for pride. Use kisses, caresses and cuddles as sentimental weapons . To experience  that moment of love and connection is something very comforting that helps to soothe the wounds.

Also try to say what you feel in words. It is as simple as saying “I love you”, “I don’t want to fight with you” or “what I want is for us to be calm” to prevent the conflict from escalating.

6. Have sex

We have all heard about “make up sex.” Although fighting just to have more rewarding relationships is not recommended, this is an excellent option to smooth things over.

It is undeniable that the best reconciliations tend to occur many times after sex. This can help connect with the other, both physically and emotionally.

Trust and love go hand in hand

The fights are normal situations, product of the differences that exist between two people. The important thing is the attitude that is taken after the couple to improve those things that we have done wrong.

Love can do everything, but everyone has to do their part . In this way, you will prevent the relationship from getting cold or disturbed by the routine , everyday differences or problems that may arise.

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