7 Delicious Ways To Replace Refined Flours

When it comes to cooking, we can choose from multiple substitutes for refined flours. These, in addition to being much healthier, offer us many extra health benefits

Refined flours are increasingly associated with different disorders. In particular, they affect our intestines.

Due to this it is convenient to know other types of alternatives. These, without harming the body, are used to make delicious preparations. Are you interested?

Risks of refined flours

In recent years there has been a call for attention due to the increase in diseases associated with the excessive consumption of refined flours. Although its effects do not develop immediately, over time it can cause metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes.

It is true this product is quite common. It has also been part of the diet of millions of people around the world. However, some time ago it was determined that it has substances that do not do the body good.

Too common in our diet

The problem is that their intake seems to have no end. In addition to coming in individual presentations, it is also the main ingredient in many products sold in the market.

The most worrying thing is that many continue to consume them excessively despite being aware of the risks it implies for the body. For this reason we propose some healthy alternatives.

Healthy flours

1. Almond flour

Healthy flours

To begin with, almond flour is a food that is obtained from the processing of the dried fruit, without its shell. This is low glycemic index. In addition, it  has antioxidant substances, proteins and essential fatty acids.

It is recommended for the preparation of breads, cakes, meatballs, empanadas and other pastry recipes. It should be stored in the refrigerator since, if it is left at room temperature, it acquires an oily taste that is unpleasant.

2. Soy flour

Soy flour is obtained from roasted and ground soybeans. It is a rich source of protein, iron, B vitamins, and calcium.

It can be purchased in presentation with complete fats, which preserves all its natural oils. It is also distributed “defatted” which, in addition to better flavor, provides a higher amount of protein and calcium.

It is one of the best options for people intolerant to gluten. It is also suitable for those who have problems in the cardiovascular system.

3. Amaranth flour

Healthy flours

Amaranth flour is a wonderful source of fiber, vitamins A and C, and minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron. In addition, it contains essential amino acids, including lysine. This substance is not usually found in most cereals.

It also provides healthy fatty acids and is gluten-free. Finally,  its texture allows it to be incorporated into various types of bakery recipes.

4. Coconut flour

Coconut flour is a food with a smooth texture that is obtained from coconut pulp, almost always after extracting its milk. The white meat of the coconut is dried at a low temperature. Afterwards, it is processed with a grinder until obtaining a very fine powder.

Just like you can prepare coconut milk at home, the flour in this food is very easy to make. Since it is a very healthy food option, it can also be purchased in commercial presentations.

It is a significant source of protein, natural fibers, essential fatty acids, and vitamins. In addition, it does not contain gluten and is low in carbohydrates.

5. Quinoa flour

Healthy flours

Quinoa contains proteins, minerals, and vitamins. These  improve health during the growth process of children and, of course, in adults.

Their flour is a natural source of iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin E. It also contains other antioxidant substances that prevent premature aging.

Finally, it is made from the ground grain of washed quinoa. Also, an excellent substitute for recipes such as soups, desserts and breads.

6. Buckwheat flour

Buckwheat or buckwheat is a seed rich in vitamin K, minerals, fibers and essential amino acids. Also, even though it is called wheat, it is a gluten-free food.

It is a good option to refined flours. Among other things, it improves blood circulation, helps control blood sugar levels and heart disease.

7. Rice flour

Finally, this variety of flour is manufactured from the processing of rice grains, whether white or whole. It is one of the most used as a healthy substitute. It is made up of complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and a small amount of fiber.

Its texture allows it to be easily incorporated into breads, desserts and soups. For centuries it has been used in Japanese gastronomy to make noodles and cakes.

Still not replacing refined flours? Go ahead and try some of the recommendations that we have just given you. Discover that you can enjoy your favorite recipes without exposing your health.

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