7 Foods That You Should Include In Your Diet To Improve Rosacea

To improve rosacea it is essential to know which foods work as triggers and eliminate them from our diet.

To improve rosacea we not only have the help of cosmetics. Also, we can give it a boost by improving our diet. Therefore, in this article we will explain which are the foods that we should introduce more into our diet.

Rosacea is a disease that affects the skin, especially that of the face and, in some cases, also the eyes. This condition causes swelling, redness, and acne-like skin lesions.

Its origin is unknown, but there are elements that increase the chances of suffering from it. Such as having light skin, eyes, or hair, being a woman, and being between 30 and 60 years old. At least this is what this study points out.

Rosacea causes inflammation of the blood vessels under the skin and, in certain cases, is associated with eye disorders. The reason is that many people have eye symptoms, such as dryness, redness, and itching.

Rosacea has no cure

Rosacea on the skin of the cheek

Rosacea currently has no cure, so its treatment focuses on relieving its symptoms. In some cases certain medicines are prescribed, but in others surgery is necessary.

In fact, Dr. Jonette E. Keri explains that: “The initial treatment of rosacea involves avoiding triggers (including the use of sunscreen). Antibiotics or azelaic acid can be used for inflammatory disease. The objective of the treatment is the control of the symptoms, not the cure of the disease ”.

Rosacea is externalized through outbreaks that are usually triggered by elements such as food. In fact, certain products have the ability to aggravate the symptoms of this condition.

In this sense, it is essential to know in detail what are the foods that can harm your skin.

What is the best diet to improve rosacea?

To improve rosacea you need to follow a balanced and balanced diet. However, there are infinite varieties of dietary regimens.

Different experts assure that the nutritional composition of certain foods is related to the appearance of rosacea outbreaks. For this reason, it is recommended that each patient learn to recognize the products that favor them.

Today we will discover some that we can start to introduce into our diet, if we did not do it before, that can help us improve and control this condition.

Foods to improve rosacea

Health experts believe that a proper diet can provide multiple benefits to the body. Therefore, it is considered that eating a balanced diet when you have rosacea can contribute to maintaining a good quality of life and controlling certain symptoms of rosacea.

There is no specific diet model for rosacea, however, there are recommended eating plans, as a guide, such as the Mediterranean diet and the Harvard dish.

And what foods could not be missing in the diet?

  • Vegetables : as in any diet, we should never need vegetables that provide multiple vitamins and nutrients to our body. Of course, avoid spinach, tomatoes and avocados.
  • Lean meats : Chicken and fish are said to be very good for rosacea, as they are healthier and have less fat, which is why they help maintain a low level of body heat. Heat is one of the triggers for outbreaks of this chronic disease.
  • Omega 3 : foods rich in omega 3, such as fish, have an anti-inflammatory function that helps reduce swelling. You can eat walnuts, salmon, mackerel, and wheat germ.
  • Berries : due to their antioxidant content, blueberries, cherries and blackberries are said to exert a vasoconstrictive action on the body. This is beneficial at the time of reducing the inflammation of the blood vessels that are under the skin. In turn, they reduce redness.
  • Onion : due to its content of proteins, potassium, vitamin C and flavonoids, it is said that this food can contribute to the health of the skin.
  • Foods rich in vitamin A : this vitamin is essential for the well-being of our skin. Red pepper, carrot, papaya, carrot, pumpkin, and melon are rich in this nutrient.

Foods not suitable for rosacea

Alcohol is bad for kidney health

Now that you know the beneficial foods for rosacea, you should also know to avoid those that can make it worse:

  • Coffee.
  • Chocolate.
  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Tomato juice and oranges.
  • Juices, flavored waters, teas and other industrial drinks
  • Spicy or very spicy foods such as pepper, chili, marinade, ginger, soy, mustard, as well as other spices or sauces.
  • Beef and all those products that contain trans fats.
  • Food based on fats, sugar and refined flours, such as biscuits, cakes, pastries, sweets and French fries.

If in doubt, it is best to consult your doctor. Remember that not all organisms are the same and that what can be good for one person can harm you.

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