7 Home Remedies To Combat Bacterial Vaginosis

The best way to prevent bacterial vaginosis is by maintaining good intimate hygiene, practicing safe sex and always trying to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Bacterial vaginosis is a common disease that women between the ages of 15 and 44 can get when certain types of bacteria in their vagina increase excessively.

To understand this, we must remember that numerous bacteria coexist in the vagina that, when there is a balance, do not harm health. However, when an alteration arises and they have an overgrowth, that is when the problems appear.

The good news is that if caught early, it can be easily treated with medication. And when it comes to relieving discomfort, this can be achieved not only through drugs but also through the application of certain measures.

How do you get bacterial vaginosis?

Woman suffering from bactarian vaginosis holding a sign

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is an infection whose exact cause is still unknown. However, it is considered that it can be caused by a series of different factors, such as:

  • Poor intimate hygiene habits.
    • Vaginal douches Washing the vagina with water and products that alter the natural balance of the vagina (such as scented soaps and deodorants) is a risky practice, because it easily leads to the overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria.
  • Promiscuity.
    • Changing sexual partners frequently and not taking basic care measures (even when practicing oral sex) puts you at risk of contracting various sexually transmitted infections.
    • Having sex (vaginal, anal) without a condom is a risky practice that can lead to bacterial vaginosis.

The researchers clarify that this disease is usually more common in sexually active women. On the other hand, they comment that it has been observed that sexual transmission occurs regardless of the sex of the couple. Therefore, it is not an infection that affects only homosexual women. Anyone can get it.


Although bacterial vaginosis does not always have symptoms, it can produce the following symptoms:

  • Vaginal irritation and inflammation.
  • Itching in the external area of ​​the vagina.
  • Burning when urinating and after having sex.
  • Unusual secretions (foul-smelling – fishy – green, whitish or grayish, which can also be: thicker, watery or foamy).

Given the symptoms mentioned, it is best to go to the doctor as soon as possible for an evaluation and diagnosis.

Home remedies not recommended

Using home remedies to treat bacterial vaginosis is a risky practice, since instead of providing relief, it can complicate the infection and aggravate discomfort.

Health experts say it is advisable to avoid home remedies in general, but especially the 7 most mentioned, since they are totally unsuitable for the pH of the vagina. That is, instead of fixing the problem, they make it worse.

  1. Garlic.
  2. Yoghurt.
  3. Coconut oil.
  4. Peroxide.
  5. Oregano oil.
  6. Apple cider vinegar.
  7. Tea tree essential oil.

One of the most frequent questions that patients ask in gynecological consultations is whether they can consume yogurt (or other probiotic foods) instead of applying it to the vagina to relieve discomfort.

The answer is: yes, you can consume yogurt and other probiotic foods, within a balanced diet, as they contribute to health in various ways, strengthening it.

What can be done to ease the discomfort?

  • Avoid douching, tub bathing, and swimming in pools. 
  • Wash the outside of the vagina with warm water and no soap.
  • Wear clean, dry, preferably cotton underwear. It is recommended that you wash it with neutral soaps and hot water.
  • After urinating or washing, dry your vagina from front to back (from the vagina to the anus, never the other way around).
  • Avoid having sex. Although if you want to have them, try to use a condom and apply the corresponding hygiene measures.
  • If you are menstruating, try to change your pad regularly. It would be advisable not to use tampons.
  • Maintain a balanced diet and adequate hydration. Remember that this positively influences your health and helps promote balance in your body, including the vagina.

Medical treatment for bacterial vaginosis usually consists of antibiotics (prescription). According to Dr. Oluwatosin Goje, some of the most common are: metronidazole and clindamycin.

It should be noted that if the patient has a female sexual partner, she should also receive treatment. On the other hand, if you have a male sexual partner, this will not need to be treated (although you will have to take certain precautions, such as using a condom when practicing vaginal or anal sex, and putting on a mouth guard in case of oral sex).

BV cannot be treated with over-the-counter medications (as in the case of vaginal yeast infection), so it is necessary to follow the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

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