7 Personal Items That You Should Change More Often For Medical Advice

Although at first glance they may seem to be in perfect condition, personal hygiene items can accumulate bacteria and other harmful microorganisms, so we must change them frequently

There is a wide variety of personal items that, for hygiene and health reasons, should be changed regularly. Although many of them, at first glance, remain almost in perfect condition, it is necessary to replace them so that they do not generate unwanted reactions after being used.

And it is that, although we do not notice it, there are many types of viruses and bacteria that take advantage of the conditions that these elements acquire in order to proliferate.

For this reason, it is essential to know what they are and how long they can be used without posing a risk. Find out!

Frequency of change of personal items

1. Hair brush

Hair brushes

The frequency with which we must change the hairbrush varies depending on factors such as the quality of its materials, the type of hair and the products used to facilitate styling.

However, in general, it is best to do it at least once every 6 or 12 months,  depending on how it is preserved. In addition to this, it is essential to take into account that basic care must be given such as:

  • Disinfect it once a week.
  • Eliminate accumulated hair.
  • Wash it to remove the remains of styling cream.

2. Bath sponge

Bath sponges are an exfoliating accessory that allows us to eliminate dead cells and other impurities that tend to accumulate on the surface of the skin.

The problem that exists with their regular use is that they can lead to the appearance of infections and diseases, since their texture and moisture facilitate the spread of many microorganisms.

For this reason, it is recommended to change them every 3 or 4 weeks if they are made of natural materials, and every 2 months if they are made of synthetic material. And, as in the previous case, you have to take measures such as:

  • Wash them every day with a disinfectant product.
  • Put them outside to dry.
  • Avoid using it on the face and intimate area.
  • Do not use after shaving.

3. Toothbrush

Using the wrong toothbrush

The toothbrush is one of the personal items that should be changed on a regular basis, even when they appear to be in good condition.

Doctors and oral health specialists advise changing them as their bristles wear out ; however, if this has not happened in a period of 3 months, they must still be replaced.

Using a toothbrush for longer than recommended increases the risk of oral disease and a weakened immune system.

4. Bath towels

Bath towels can last for many years when treated properly. However, they should be changed to clean ones after 3 or 4 uses. Washing them continuously and avoiding more uses than recommended is essential to avoid skin discomfort due to bacteria.

Although we cannot see it with the naked eye, its tissues accumulate dead cells, mold and bacteria that put the health of the skin at risk.

5. Shaving machines


Disposable razors, like blades, can be used between 5 and 7 times, depending on the quality of the materials with which they are made. These items should be changed when they start to slip or shave poorly.

As with other personal items, they can easily become contaminated with various types of viruses and bacteria due to contact with skin, shaving products, and moisture. If you want to extend its shelf life, be sure to wash it in hot water after each use.

6. Bedding

Due to habit or lack of time, many people take months to change their bedding. Careful! If this is your case, you should know that the ideal is to do it at least once a week to avoid infections and diseases.

This is because the tissues absorb sweat, dead cells, mites and other impurities that, when accumulated, generate unwanted reactions in the body. Although many of its effects are not immediate, many conditions are related to this bad habit.

7. Hand towels


Washing and drying hands is one of the daily hygiene habits that everyone should practice. However, it must be taken into account that hand towels accumulate dirt, soap residues and humidity, which increases the presence of harmful microorganisms. This means that, to avoid illness, it is best to change them for clean towels every 2 days.

How often do you change these personal items in your home? Now that you know why you should, try to replace them more often.

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