7 Signs Of Heart Attack That Women Often Ignore

The problem for many women is that they do not identify the signs of heart attack as such and ignore them because they believe that they are due to everyday issues.

Heart disease, including heart attack, affects both men and women; however, the way in which they are manifested in each one may differ. In this article, for example, we will talk about the signs of heart attack in women.

The number of female heart attack victims has increased in recent years.  This is not only because its detection is more difficult, but because women take longer to go to the doctor when they feel discomfort.

The downside is that many of its initial symptoms are mistaken for milder conditions. So, very rarely, are they considered a reason to go to the emergency room.

Despite this, some signs or symptoms have been known for some time that, although they do not always indicate this disorder, could be useful to turn on alerts.

This time we want to share in detail the 7 main signs of heart attack  so that you stop overlooking them.

Get to know them!

Signs of heart attack in women

1. Feeling of suffocation

Having a choking sensation can be one of the signs of a heart attack

The choking sensation is a symptom that usually appears when certain respiratory infections occur. However, if this is not the case, it is likely to do with heart problems. This is stated in this study by the University of Medical Sciences of Havana.

  • The appearance of this discomfort, especially when performing daily tasks, could be warning of the risk of suffering a heart attack.
  • It is often accompanied by pressure in the chest and a recurring cough.

2. Unusual tiredness

The feeling of tiredness can be caused by sleep disorders, poor diet and excessive physical activity.

However, if it begins to manifest itself recurrently, for no apparent reason, it could be one of the signs of a heart attack; it may be indicating heart and circulatory problems.

  • The formation of cholesterol plaques in the arteries interferes with blood flow. Therefore, by overloading the heart, it increases the pressure and the risk of heart attack.
  • As cellular oxygenation is reduced, both muscles and cognitive functions are weakened.

3. Insomnia

Insomnia can be one of the signs of a heart attack

Sleep disorders such as insomnia are often caused by overwork, prolonged use of electronic devices, and stress.

However, in the case of women, it can occur when there are significant hormonal changes or interference with the proper functioning of the heart. This is stated by this research from the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes (Mexico).

  • Often, those who are at risk of hypertension and heart attacks tend to have problems sleeping well, especially in the days before an attack.

    4. Cold sweat

    The sudden onset of a cold sweat can be a warning sign of heart attack and chronic cardiovascular disorders. This is stated by the National Library of Medicine of the United States.

    Although, like the other symptoms, it can be caused by a large number of conditions, it is worth asking if its origin is this disease.

    • In this case, it occurs because the body multiplies its efforts to regulate temperature, since it presents sudden changes due to the overexertion of the heart.
    • At the same time, due to interference with blood flow, dizziness and general malaise may occur.

    5. Pain in the left side

    Pain in the left side of the chest can be one of the signs of a heart attack

    The appearance of unusual pain on the left side of the body is perhaps one of the clearest signs of a heart attack in women, as the study in the previous section suggests.

    • Those who go through this condition can feel, even for days before, pain in the arm, back and jaw on the left side.
    • The manifestation of this symptom can be gradual.  That is, it goes from mild to chronic as the hours go by.

    6. Feeling of anxiety

    There are many situations that can cause a sudden episode of anxiety. Despite this, it is essential to be careful with its manifestation, since, in many cases, it can affect the heart rhythm and lead to heart attacks.

    • If the feeling of anxiety is accompanied by pricks in the chest or vertigo, it is best to go to the doctor.
    • On the other hand, even when an attack does not occur, it is important to seek treatment, since its recurrence can alter the pressure.

    7. Acid reflux

    Acid reflux can be one of the signs of a heart attack

    The excessive production of acidic juices in the stomach causes what we know as reflux, according to this study from the Talavera Centro Health Center (Talavera de la Reina, Spain). This symptom manifests itself as a burning sensation in the abdomen and chest.

    It can often be confused with the pain that occurs during a heart attack.

    • Although few cases have to do with this heart problem, the possibility should not be ruled out.  Especially if it originates in a recurrent and severe way.

    Do you have a family history of heart attack? Do you suffer from obesity or are you sedentary? If you have these risk factors and experience the above symptoms, see your doctor as soon as possible.

    In general, even if you feel that you are not exposed, try to get medical check-ups and blood tests to check the state of your cardiovascular health.

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