7 Smells That Excite Men

In sex, the importance of the sense of touch and sight is often emphasized, but the truth is that the rest of the senses (taste, smell and hearing) also play an important role when it comes to experiencing pleasure and enjoying. For this reason, below we will review what are some of the smells that excite men.

Contrary to popular belief, not only perfumes can captivate and even excite people. There are other scents that can awaken desire, from essences to combinations of two or more elements.


What are the smells that turn men on?

Although it is said that everything enters through the eyes, the truth is that smell also plays an important role when approaching someone. Through smell we can also conquer and elevate desire. Know which are the most exciting scents for men.

1. Sweet + herbal

The mixture of pumpkin and lavender, for example, is a mixture of a sweet and herbal aroma that can be very attractive and seductive for some men. Smelling it may cause the odor to increase body temperature and blood flow (necessary for erection).

There is no time to waste if the goal is to have a great night of sex. Aromatizing the atmosphere and receiving it with all the desire to have a good time is enough. So do not hesitate to prepare this mixture for your next meeting.

2. Citrus

Some people claim that citrus scents are good aphrodisiacs, as they can increase desire in even the most subtle ways. In addition to perfumes and various home air fresheners, the scent of orange juice or a citrus fruit drink may help heighten pleasure.

3. Chocolate

Just eating and smelling a piece of chocolate can create pleasant sensations in the body. And, just as it is difficult to resist trying another bite, it is also difficult to resist the “chocolatey” aroma that a person may have, either because of the type of lotion they use, their perfume or other products.

4. Vanilla

The aroma of vanilla is very pleasant for men and this is something that the female perfume industry has taken advantage of very well. For this reason, they have introduced this smell in the composition of different perfumes, in greater or lesser amounts, to make them more attractive.

Apparently, vanilla acts in a very subtle, but direct way. Therefore, it can be used in various ways, either in a perfume, a scented candle, a dessert, and so on. So if what you want is to elevate the sensations, do not stop using it!

5. Natural smell

The natural smell of each person can also be very exciting for them. Therefore, sometimes, even when girls strive to get the best fragrances, they can be attracted to the simplest.

It is worth clarifying that for this to be possible it is necessary to have good personal hygiene. This will make your personal essence stand out even more and be more attractive. Avoid that bad smells end up damaging the intimate encounter.

Things to keep in mind before practicing oral sex.

6. Sweets and candies

Just as sweet flavors can be very attractive, so do aromas of this type. This is indicated by a study by the American Academy of Neurological and Orthopedic Surgeons , in which the response of men to various olfactory stimuli certain aromas was analyzed.

According to the article, smells like donuts, or donuts, are highly stimulating. While it is true that for girls donuts could be the last alternative when it comes to talking about sensual aromas, it must be said that men can drive them crazy.

7. Pizza?

The aroma of a favorite food or one of the most recurring cravings can also be stimulating and even very attractive to people. Not only does it promote pleasant sensations but it can inspire fantasies. For example, the aroma of freshly baked pizza can be very exciting to some men.

Although there are people who may be attracted to the aforementioned smells, each one reacts differently to certain stimuli. Therefore, it is important to know well the preferences of the couple when looking for an intense, fun and more than satisfactory sexual encounter.

On the other hand, don’t just limit yourself to perfumes and fragrances in body products. You can also take advantage of the environment to create a sensual and stimulating atmosphere for both of you (through candles, incense, fabric softeners, etc.). Imagination will be a great ally to find different ways to stimulate all the senses.

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