9 Habits That Will Delay Your Aging

There is a direct relationship between physical activity and longevity. Sport favors heart, lung and mental health and also puts us in a good mood.

A song by the well-known band Queen read “who wants to live forever?” The truth is that if that were possible, many would say that they intend to live for thousands of years. With these tips you can have a healthier life and contribute to the delay of aging.

Who says you might even be over 80 or 90 years old? Everything is a matter of changing our habits as soon as possible. Thus, we will make the quality of life increase and problems decrease. It seems like a dream or a utopia, but it is possible to make it come true.

Latest Research on Modern Life

Studies show that although life expectancy has increased in the population compared to other times, so have many associated diseases, such as hypertension or diabetes. And, what good is living to 85 years of age if you are full of diseases and ailments?

to live

Not to expose to sun radiation

Avoid harmful UV rays as much as possible, to avoid problems such as irritation, burns and even skin cancer. You will also stay young because it will delay the formation of wrinkles, spots, or freckles. When you go out in the summer, put an appropriate protection factor for your skin type and not just on the face. Also on the chest, neck, shoulders, arms and hands. These precautions will slow down your aging.

Have more social life

Studies have shown that people who are always around friends and family have a lower risk of heart problems. Loneliness causes depression, stress, high cholesterol, anxiety, fear, etc. Especially in the case of the elderly, who feel unwilling to live when their children, grandchildren or nephews do not visit them enough.


Say “no” to alcohol

Alcohol abuse is very dangerous, as well as its daily consumption. We must be aware of this, or, otherwise, it can not only lead to alcoholism, but also to diseases of the pancreas or liver and health problems in general.

Eat fruit and vegetables

Junk food has left us far removed from these two foods that are so important to our development and well-being. Before choosing a salty snack, prefer to eat an apple, instead of chips, opt for a salad of tomatoes and lettuce. Choose to increase the intake of vegetables and fruits in your daily menus, and your health will thank you.

Do exercise

Every day you have to go for a walk. If you don’t “have time” at least choose to take the stairs instead of using the elevator. There is a strong correlation between physical activity and quality of life. Playing a sport has very good effects on the heart, lungs, mind and humor. In addition, you will look better and your self-esteem will increase.

No Smoking

This is one of the worst habits that today’s society has. It destroys the throat and lungs, and increases the risk of related diseases. It is never too late to quit smoking. Nobody says it’s simple, but it’s worth a try. The benefits can start to show from day one. In addition, they are increasing with the passing of the weeks and months.

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