3 Medicinal Plants To Support Cold Treatment

Sometimes we need a cold to be cured as soon as possible. How about supporting the doctor’s treatment with some medicinal plants?

There are some medicinal plants that could help us to support the treatment of colds, but always under medical supervision since, as we well know, there are cases in which herbs can cause negative interactions.

Colds present with abundant runny nose, sneezing that can make us confuse them with an allergy, congestion, sore throat, cough and headache in some cases.

Although, as some studies point out, there is no confirmation that medicinal plants are highly effective in resolving colds; however, it is believed that some of the symptoms may improve to some extent.

Support cold treatment with plants

Remember that there is nothing to cure a cold. Everything that we can take alleviates the symptoms, but does not solve this disease. Let’s look at some medicinal plants to support cold treatment that can make us feel better.

1. Mist with pine, mint and eucalyptus

Man making fumes.

When we have a cold, mucus can cause us to blow our noses excessively, causing nose pain and irritation. This is very uncomfortable, but fortunately can be alleviated with mist.

The fumes would be effective in clearing the nostrils. To make them, you just have to place a pot of water to boil. According to popular wisdom, the combination of mint, eucalyptus and pine could make the relief greater and faster, since it considers that these three plants help to clear the airways and expel mucus.

Although there are no specific studies on the vapors with these components, different investigations have pointed out the possible antibacterial properties of eucalyptus and decongestant and expectorant properties of peppermint.


  • Eucalyptus, pine and mint leaves.
  • 1 liter of water.


  • We mix the eucalyptus, pine and mint leaves in a saucepan.
  • We add the liter of water and let it come to a boil.
  • When the water is very hot and the steam begins to come out, we will take a towel.
  • We will bring the face to the water, we will put the towel over the head and we will inhale the steam for 10 minutes.

If we do not have leaves of these herbs, but we have essential oils, we can add a few drops of each of these plants and proceed as we have mentioned.

2. Licorice root for cough

Woman with a cup and licorice root.

Another cold symptom is a cough and a sore throat. Without a doubt, something very uncomfortable and that can also affect us if we are at work surrounded by more people.

To support the treatment of colds, licorice root is a very popular remedy, as different studies have confirmed that it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.


  • Licorice root.
  • 1 liter of water.
  • 1 teaspoon of honey.


  • We put the licorice root in a saucepan.
  • We add the liter of water.
  • We let the water come to the boiling point.
  • We remove the water from the fire and strain.
  • We put a little in a cup and add the teaspoon of honey if we wish.

It is important to know that we should not take this infusion more than twice a day. It is believed that its excessive consumption could lead to a serious deficiency of potassium. Therefore, we must make a controlled use of this drink.

3. Echinacea to reduce the time of colds


Although echinacea has a slight effect on cold symptoms, it would help reduce the duration of the cold. In this way, to support the treatment of colds, its consumption is very interesting since, in a short time, we will be well again.

The best way to consume this last of the medicinal plants to fight colds is in tincture. However, we can also make an infusion with the dry extract of the root as we have seen that it is done on previous occasions.

Echinacea can be found in any natural store or pharmacy. It is recommended that we ask the doctor how we should take it to complement any other treatment that we are consuming on the recommendation of the doctor for the cold.

Consult before supporting cold treatment with plants

All these medicinal plants would serve to support the treatment of the cold, not to replace it. If we have doubts about its consumption, we can discuss it with the family doctor.

He will give us his opinion on whether these medicinal plants may be a good idea for us. Remember that we must always take into account the opinion of the doctor.

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