Propolis For The First Cold And Flu Symptoms

Do you know the health benefits of propolis? Did you know that it can be an adjunct to improve cold and flu symptoms? Today we tell you all about this natural product.

Propolis is one of the naturally occurring products that can help relieve cold and flu symptoms. Although it is not a first-line treatment for these health problems, it can be an adjunct with interesting benefits. Are you interested in trying it?

The composition of this natural ingredient can vary according to the location of the bees and the trees and flowers to which they have access. However, in general, they contain flavonoids and other bioactive compounds with medicinal potential. Here we tell you more about its benefits.

First cold and flu symptoms

Often times, many people cannot tell the difference between the flu and the cold, as their symptoms are quite similar. However, as detailed in a publication in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , colds are milder than the flu and do not usually cause serious complications.

On the contrary, the flu is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Moderate or high fever.
  • Shaking chills.
  • Cough and sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose.
  • Muscle pains.
  • Headaches.
  • Fatigue.

Therefore, it is important to know how to treat them. In this sense, the most convenient thing is to request medical attention, since the professional has all the powers to give a more precise diagnosis and, based on this, suggest a treatment.

Likewise, the doctor will be able to determine if it is convenient to complement the treatment with adjuvant products such as propolis.

First cold and flu symptoms

What is propolis?

As a study published in Advances in Pharmacological Sciences points out , propolis is a resin that bees extract from plants, tree buds, and other plant-based sources. They use it to coat and protect their hives.

Its components include resins and waxes, as well as highly valued ingredients such as flavonoids, minerals, vitamins and essential oils. In the same way, it is an ingredient to which therapeutic uses are attributed due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity.

In general, it is often advised as a complementary remedy against various types of infections, injuries, and illnesses. While the evidence remains limited, there are findings that support some of its therapeutic uses. 

Propolis benefits against cold and flu symptoms

Although to date it is not yet accepted as a first-line cold and flu treatment, propolis is a recommended supplement to alleviate symptoms of these health problems.

Coinciding with research published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine , it is a product with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral and immunomodulatory properties that undoubtedly contribute to dealing with these respiratory problems.

As detailed in this study, it is a good supplement to strengthen the immune system and improve the body’s response against pathogens that cause infection. In addition, its antiviral effects can even fight the virus that causes influenza.

Propolis benefits against cold and flu symptoms

How to consume propolis?

To date, there is no medically recommended dosage for the consumption of propolis. Therefore, in the studies that have been done in this regard, more research is suggested. However, in general, this product is not considered high risk and there are no reports of adverse effects, except in those who have allergies to honey or bees.

One study recommends a daily concentration of about 70 milligrams per day, but this is not a recommendation from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Often times, the manufacturers of the product suggest a dosage on the labels. In any case, the ideal thing to do would be to ask your doctor before taking these types of supplements.

Propolis can be purchased in pharmacies and health food stores. It is available in creams, ointments, and lotions. Also, it can be taken orally, as it also comes in tablets, liquid extract, and capsules. Would you use it against cold and flu symptoms?

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