Natural Cream With Coconut Oil To Rejuvenate The Eye Contour

The eye contour is a very fragile and exposed area that should begin to be cared for after approximately 25 years of age to prevent the appearance premature wrinkles.

To deeply hydrate and rejuvenate the eye contour, there are those who resort to a specific element: coconut oil. This has become for many years a great ally of beauty, given its nutritional value and properties.

Below we will tell you how you can include it in a good skin care routine and what its main contributions are. Take note!

Natural cosmetics and skin care

The skin around the eyes is one of the most delicate areas of the face since it is much finer than the rest of the body. In addition, it has a natural tendency to dryness, because it has fewer sebaceous and sweat glands than the rest of the body. Because of this, you can easily develop premature wrinkles.

Bad lifestyle habits affect skin health, including around the eyes. However, by improving them and learning to take care of the skin, it is possible to rejuvenate the eye contour.

Coconut oil, an ally to rejuvenate the eye contour

Health benefits of coconut oil

Coconut oil is an excellent alternative for skin care because it deeply hydrates, has a pleasant aroma and also, when applied, it is easily absorbed.

Some people put a few drops of this oil in their body cream, to enrich it, while others use a couple of drops directly to apply it carefully to the eye area, before going to sleep. Additionally, there are people who apply it to their hair, to provide extra hydration.

It is considered that its fatty acids and antioxidants not only confer moisturizing and softening properties, but also antimicrobial and antifungal effects that reduce the risk of infections.

It contains lauric acid, a component that regulates the skin’s natural pH while promoting cell restructuring. In fact, according to the experts from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation:

Its application helps to preserve the adequate levels of collagen and elastin, two essential substances for the firmness and youth of the skin. It is also considered that it can reduce the negative impact of free radicals.

In general, coconut oil helps to deeply moisturize the skin and reduce the damaging effects of the sun’s UV rays.

Vitamin E oil

Functions of vitamin B6 within the body

In the popular realm, vitamin E is known as “the vitamin of youth and life” due to its antioxidant properties that can help maintain skin health.

Its essential oil softens the skin, moisturizes the eye contour and prevents the development of “crow’s feet” or fine wrinkles. Therefore, it is a common ingredient in the various cosmetic products that exist. 

Cream to rejuvenate the eye contour

Below we will tell you how to prepare the homemade cream with coconut and vitamin E. For better results you can use virgin coconut oil.


  • 6 ½ tablespoons of organic coconut oil (100 g).
  • 3 capsules of vitamin E oil.
  • 1 airtight jar.


  • Heat the coconut oil in a water bath, at a low temperature, and mix it with the three capsules of vitamin E oil.
  • When both are well integrated, remove it from the heat.
  • Let it sit for a few minutes.
  • Pour the product into an airtight glass jar and wait until it solidifies.
  • Store it in a cool, dark place, away from all sources of heat.

    3 creams with coconut oil to reduce scars

    Application mode

    • Make sure your skin is clean and dry.
    • Take a small amount of the cream and apply it by gently massaging it around the eyes. You can use the tip of your little finger to do this or a clean sponge.

    To enhance its antioxidant properties, there are those who add a vitamin E capsule to their cream. With this, they consider that it deeply nourishes the skin and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

    What other care must be taken into account?

    In addition to applying a facial skin care product, it is necessary to maintain proper lifestyle habits.

    • Good hydration is essential to maintain the health of the skin in every sense, as it helps it perform its functions properly.
    • A balanced diet, which includes a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables, will provide the body (and therefore the skin) with all the nutrients it needs to be healthy.
    • The use of sunscreen on a daily basis also contributes greatly to daily care, especially when it comes to preventing wrinkles and blemishes.

    Finally, it is advisable to consult with your dermatologist before applying a homemade cream or any natural product to rejuvenate the eye contour, and thus be more sure if the chosen option is the most appropriate for your skin type or if it would be more It is advisable to opt for a specific dose or something else.

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