Beet Smoothie To End Anemia Naturally

This delicious beet smoothie, red in color and very rich in iron, is excellent to prevent and help you fight anemia in the simplest and most natural way. In this article we explain how you can prepare it and what its surprising ingredients are.

Beware of iron supplements

iron supplements

Before taking iron supplements, especially if we have decided to do it on our own and without a prescription, we must bear in mind that they can cause us an upset stomach, gastritis or other types of digestive injuries. This is because pure iron is very oxidizing.

If we are going to take that supplement anyway, we recommend doing it together with vitamin C. This can help us balance its possible negative effects a bit. In this article we propose a way to consume iron that does not affect our digestive system and that, in addition, our body will assimilate more effectively.

Beet smoothie … and more

beet smoothie

The beet smoothie that we propose stands out for its powerful red color and for its excellent nutrients. All of this  helps us fight anemia and other nutritional deficits.

It is high in iron and folic acid, but it is also rich in vitamins B, C, potassium, and carotenes. In addition, if we get organic beets, with their leaves, we will also add these to the smoothie, to provide vitamin A and even more vitamin C.

The advantage of preparing this shake for breakfast is that we can add many beneficial ingredients to combat anemia, some of which would be difficult to consume otherwise. Thus, we get a drink with a sweet and delicious flavor that will provide us with what our body needs.

To this shake we will add, for example, lemon, since it contains vitamin C. This vitamin, as we have already said, helps us to assimilate iron and other nutrients even better. We will also take the opportunity to include other ingredients very rich in iron, such as pollen, dried nettle leaf, sunflower seeds or germinated alfalfa. Also, the apple will give an excellent flavor to the smoothie, in addition to making it more nutritious. Finally,  olive oil will help us better assimilate the vitamins in all the ingredients.

How to prepare the shake

beet plant

This beet smoothie will allow us to replace breakfast or a part, so we will make a good amount.


  • A small organic beet with two or three of its leaves
  • A teaspoon of dried nettle (5 g)
  • A teaspoon of ground pollen (5 g)
  • A handful of sprouted alfalfa
  • An Apple
  • One tablespoon of raw sunflower seeds (14 g)
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • One tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (14 g)


  • We will mix the ingredients well, adding the water that is necessary to achieve the texture we want.
  • It is important that the pollen and seeds are well crushed so that our body can digest and assimilate them well.
  • If we get organic fruits we can use them with their peeling, previously washed.

Other tips

  • Red meat is not the only solution for anemia. Try not to abuse her. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds can also help us prevent it and treat it in a healthy way.
  • We can get used to eating a full salad every noon, accompanying the meal.
  • A suitable dressing that can help us  better assimilate iron is a jet of fresh lemon juice.
  • Avoid drinking green tea with meals, as it can make it difficult to absorb iron.
  • Dairy products also make it difficult to assimilate iron. Try to avoid them and, above all, if you consume them, make sure it is outside of the main meals.
  • Sunbathing wisely is also a good remedy to help fix the iron available to our body. However, it should always be done outside of peak radiation hours and in small intervals.
  • Women with heavy menstruation can perform natural treatments that help regulate the hormonal system.

We always recommend consulting with your family doctor before doing any treatment. Especially in this case, since there are different types of anemia and some require specific monitoring.

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