Improve Your Productivity And Physical Performance With These 6 Foods

Before resorting to energy supplements of chemical origin, it is convenient that we try with natural ingredients, which can provide us with the same energy and benefits, but without side effects

To have a good productivity and physical performance it is necessary to adopt a series of habits that allow optimizing the body’s energies. Food plays a very important role. Since t Odos systems need to stock up on nutrients to function properly.

Although the industry offers a wide variety of energy products, these are not always the best alternative. Since, after ingestion, they can cause unwanted side effects. Due to this, it is essential to know how to design the dietary plan and know those foods whose properties provide extra energy to the body.

Incorporating them in the diet allows you to gain muscle strength. In addition, it  benefits the mood and cognitive skills that are required for the day. Taking into account that most are unaware of them, below we want to share the 6 best in detail.

Enjoy them!

6 foods that improve your productivity and physical performance

1. Avocado


Avocado is a delicious fruit that stands out for its high content of monunsaturated fats. These are easily metabolized to provide energy for the body.

It is estimated that half a serving can provide 22.5 grams of fat, in addition to a minimal amount of fructose, a type of natural sugar that also provides us with energy.

It is a wonderful source of antioxidant substances, ideal for protecting the body against the negative effects of free radicals. It also contains large amounts of potassium. This mineral is essential for balancing fluids in the body and facilitating the absorption of other fat-soluble nutrients.

2. Coconut oil

Although at some point in history it had a bad name for its high content of saturated fat, coconut oil is one of the best foods to improve productivity and physical performance.

Its fatty acids are proven to be medium chain. That is, they serve the liver as fuel to supply the different systems of the body.

Half of the fat that makes it up is lauric acid, a variety that some consider “miraculous” due to the incredible effects it exerts on health. This gives it antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities that could be key in the treatment of some diseases.

In addition, everything indicates that it promotes weight loss and, in some patients, improves insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance.

3. Quinoa


Quinoa has become so popular for its nutritional value that today it can be found very easily in health food stores and supermarkets. It contributes to maintaining a good physical and mental state, since it is a healthy source of:

  • Protein
  • Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals

As if that were not enough, it is very low in calories and has a high satiating power. This helps to enhance the effects of the diet to lose weight.

4. Salmon

Salmon and other varieties of oily fish are a very important source of high quality omega 3 fatty acids and proteins that serve to improve productivity and physical performance.

It is rich in antioxidants such as astaxanthin, whose effects reduce the presence of toxins and other dangerous substances that affect health. Nutritionists recommend eating at least two servings a week to enjoy its properties.

5. Bitter chocolate

Dark chocolate

It is likely that you have heard on several occasions about the benefits of dark chocolate to regain energy after a tiring day.

Although it has been a food questioned over the years, it is proven that it is of high energy value, not only for its protein content, but also for its complex carbohydrates.

As long as it is composed of at least 60% cocoa, it provides the body with a high content of antioxidants and essential minerals.

6. Handle

Mango is a sweet fruit that has been valued for centuries for its nutritional content and energy value. It is rich in complex carbohydrates and natural sugars that, after being transformed into energy, allow for better sports performance.

Its high content of vitamins and minerals make it, among other things, an ally of the immune system. In addition, it is a very versatile food whose flavor allows you to prepare smoothies, desserts and many recipes that facilitate its inclusion in the diet.

The foods just mentioned should be considered a dietary supplement and not the basis of the diet. Therefore, it is essential to increase its consumption to improve productivity and physical performance. Also to reduce the intake of those that affect metabolism.

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