What Happens In Our Body If We Retain Gas?

Many times, the expulsion of gases is embarrassing to us. Especially when we are surrounded by other people. At such times, we usually try to suppress them to avoid making a bad impression.

Everything related to the expulsion of waste is unpleasant and unflattering for our image. However, it is something natural. And not letting it flow that way can be harmful to the body. Therefore, this time we reveal what happens if we retain the gases.

Is it bad to retain gas?

Home remedies for colic or gas

The release of gases is something natural and, according to an article by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestion and Kidney Diseases , expelling gases between 13 and 21 gases a day is completely normal. If you consume foods rich in fiber or gas, such as sodas, this number will most likely increase.

Flatulence can be generated by the food that is eaten, the air that is introduced when speaking or by the bacteria that are generated in the process of digestion. While it is understandable that we have modesty or consideration when it comes to expelling a gas in public, we should not choose to suppress this natural impulse of the body either.

The consequences of doing so vary depending on the frequency with which the gas is retained. The higher the frequency, the more damage. Although it is not a serious health problem, some of the consequences of holding on to gas can be very upsetting. On the list are the following:

  • Abdominal pain
  • More intense stench
  • Stomach ache
  • Swelling of the abdomen

Possible health problems that can

Through flatulence we can know the state of our body. The smell and the components that cause it, as well as the amount that is expelled per day, show how the digestive process is carried out. Retaining gas can prevent you from recognizing the symptoms of an important condition well.

Having colic or abdominal bloating can be caused by thousands of pathologies, but if we have this bad habit we do not know what it is really due to. According to the article mentioned above, the conditions that cause excess flatulence are the following:

  • Proliferation of bacteria in the small intestine
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Gastroesophageal reflux
  • Lactose, fructose and gluten intolerance

How to prevent gases?

There is no magic formula to avoid gas completely; it is a natural thing that depends on many factors. However, there are some lifestyle measures that can reduce its appearance. Do they afflict you very often? Then take into account the recommendations that we share in the following space.

Take care of the diet


All foods generate gases in their decomposition process within our body. However, there are a few that increase this process and make the intense thick work twice as much. More than eliminating them from our diet, the ideal is to consume them in small quantities if we suffer from constant flatulence.

According to a publication of Better Health , should reduce the consumption of milk and dairy products such as cheese, butter, ice cream and so on . Also, the importance of avoiding the consumption of certain vegetables, fruits and legumes such as the following is highlighted:

  • Apple
  • Peach
  • Pear
  • Cabbage
  • Carrot
  • Eggplant
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Onion
  • Radish
  • Cauliflower
  • Grapes and prunes
  • Beans, lima beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas
  • Walnuts

2. Eat in moderate amounts

Overeating is one of the reasons why gas production increases. Above all, if we do not have a balanced diet. Eating foods high in fat or wheat and junk food slows down the digestion process and causes stomach upset.

3. Avoid fizzy drinks

Energy drinks

It is no secret to anyone that soft drinks and carbonated drinks are not recommended for health. Not only because of their sugar content but because they contain a lot of air. This goes directly to the stomach, causing bloating and, consequently, gas. It is best to take them in measure and avoid using a straw, as these help to get more air.

4. Chew well

It is best not to talk while we eat. Talking a lot or consuming fluids while eating creates extra air intake that can upset your stomach and sabotage feelings of fullness. Therefore, it is essential to take the time necessary to chew and enjoy food, without any distraction.

When to go to the doctor?

Although the most advisable thing is to avoid the production of gases instead of putting up with them, the truth is that sometimes we do not know what the cause may be. If other associated symptoms appear, such as temperature changes, skin rashes, blood in the stool, weight loss, diarrhea or fatigue, it is important to see a doctor immediately.

In this way, the symptoms can be evaluated and the pertinent examinations and tests can be done to rule out any disease. Finally, it is worth mentioning that you have to take the matter naturally. Although it is good to be modest and considerate, this should not interfere with the body’s natural processes.

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