How To Relieve Tired Legs

Stay at a suitable weight, try not to stay in the same position too long and, whenever possible, raise your legs above the heart to promote circulation

Possibly the main cause of tired legs is circulatory problems, according to the Mayo Clinic. This means that blood cannot return to the heart and “pools” in the ankles or calves.

The most notable symptoms in this type of problem are:

  • Feeling of heaviness
  • Tiredness when we are standing.
  • Swelling in the lower extremities.
  • Cramps
  • Itches
  • Numbness

Tired legs are a disease that affects women more than men. They can trigger various pathologies, such as:

  • Edema.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Phlebitis.
  • Pulmonary embolisms.
  • Fluid retention.

Habits to reverse tired legs


If you suffer from heavy or tired legs several times a week you may need to see a doctor.

You can complement any treatment with healthy habits. Among them we highlight:

Avoid spending a lot of time in the same position

If you work sitting or standing, change your posture from time to time. For example:

  • If you spend all day in front of the computer you can get up and take a few laps around the office.
  • If your job requires you to continually stand, try to sit when you have the opportunity.

You can also exercise while sitting at the desk by removing your shoes and raising and lowering your insteps.

  • Do not cross your legs and try to ensure that they are always well supported on the ground.
  • Avoid heels or very tight shoes.

Elevate your legs during the day

Ideally, raise your legs and feet several times a day. If not, when you get home you can take the opportunity to do it.

  • The idea is that they are above the heart.
  • You can lie down on the bed and raise your legs by resting your heels on the wall.
  • When you sleep, put cushions around your ankles.

Do not expose yourself to heat

Some of the bad habits for tired legs involve increasing heat to a great extent. Such as:

  • Lying in the sun for many hours on vacation.
  • Go to a sauna or a spa.
  • Immerse yourself in the jacuzzi or heated pool.
  • Waxing with hot wax.
  • Bathing with water that is too hot.
  • Turn on the heating a lot.
  • Wearing too warm clothes (or bedding).

Do not drink alcohol or smoke

According to this research from the Rush University Medical Center (United States), alcoholic beverages dilate and contract the veins and make them less permeable. Also, they  cause swelling in the legs.

  • For its part, tobacco also alters the health of veins and arteries. This is indicated by this study carried out by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

    Lose weight

    Lose weight

    The extra kilos make the situation worse and do not allow the blood to circulate properly.

    If you are obese, it would be good to start a healthy diet. Not only to relieve tired legs, but for a general health issue.

    • You will see how with a couple of kilos less you already feel much better.

    According to this study carried out by the University of Manizales (Colombia), 60.6% of patients with high blood pressure are overweight. Being prone to developing cardiovascular, kidney and retina problems.

    Exercises for tired legs

    Exercises are very important to reduce circulatory problems and, therefore, heavy legs. Among them we highlight:


    • Take off your shoes and tiptoe with your socks on (compression socks much better).
    • Raise your heels as high as you can and bend your knees a little.

    Stand on one foot

    • Place the sole of the foot on the side of the opposite leg (making a four).
    • Hold the pose for a few seconds and switch legs.
    • If you dare, do it on tiptoe.

    Open and close your legs

    • Lie down on the floor or on a mat (you can also do this on the bed).
    • Raise your legs so they are perpendicular to the ground.
    • Open and close like scissors several times.


    • Also lying down, this time roll your legs toward your chest.
    • Start pedaling as if you were riding a bike.
    • Repeat a few minutes with both legs and rest.

    Home remedies for tired legs

    In addition to good habits and exercises, you can take advantage of the benefits of nature to reduce symptoms:


    Characteristics-of-parsley tired legs

    Drinking an infusion made with this aromatic plant is good for improving circulatory functions. This is stated in this study by the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí.


    • 1 bunch of parsley.
    • ½ liter of water.


    • Heat the water until it boils and make an infusion with the chopped parsley.
    • Remove from the fire and let cool.
    • Strain and drink 3 tablespoons a day.
    • You can also prepare a juice with raw parsley mixed with a little water in the blender.
    • Drink up to 2 cups per day.


    It has the ability to eliminate excess fluids from the body and deflate the legs, as stated in this study from the Aarhus University Hospital (Denmark). The infusion of this plant is perfect in cases of tired legs.


    • 1 teaspoon of dried dandelion (5 g).
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml).


    • Heat the water to a boil, add the dandelion and allow it to cook for 5 minutes.
    • Remove from heat and let stand 5 more minutes.
    • Filter and drink sweetened with honey or stevia.
    • You can consume up to 3 cups a day.

    Witch hazel

    tired legs

    Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties endorsed in this study from Kigston University (London), it is an external remedy that is used to massage the affected area. It is recommended for people who work long hours on their feet each day.

    • If you do not get the essential oil, you can make scrubs with the infusion of the plant.


    • 1 handful of dried witch hazel.
    • 1 liter of water.


      • Heat the water and add the witch hazel.
      • Let infuse 10 minutes and strain.
      • Pour the water into a container and, with a cloth, make a scrub ( be careful that they are not too strong, especially if you have varicose veins).

      Tired legs are a problem, but it also has many possible solutions. Follow the advice and do not stop trying natural natural remedies.

      Remember that if the problem is very persistent, the ideal is to visit a doctor or specialist. 

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