Delicious Recipes With Apple

The recipes with apple are very varied. And despite what is usually believed, they are not only in the dessert category, but also in the drinks and various dishes category.

It should be noted that in Europe the apple is one of the most consumed fruits, but worldwide, it is also among the most consumed fruits.

In part, this is what has promoted the various varieties in recipes. For this reason, we will find some very simple and others more exotic, given the mixture of ingredients.

Next, we recommend the most delicious and healthy apple recipes that you can incorporate into your meals. You will love them!

White tea with apple

This is one of the simplest apple recipes that you can enjoy in your day to day. It is a perfect drink to drink throughout the day, to hydrate, tone and nourish the body.


  • 2 white tea bags.
  • The peel of 3 apples.
  • Water (required amount).
  • Optional: 1 cinnamon stick.


  • We peel the apples and reserve the peel in a bowl with fresh water.
  • We put a pot of water to boil and, once it reaches its boiling point, we add the apple peels.
  • We let the shells cook until they are tender.
  • Once ready, drain some of the water and process the shells with the blender.
  • Besides, we put another pot of water to boil.
  • Add the white tea bags, turn off the heat and let it rest (with a lid) for a few minutes.
  • We mix the liquid from the apple peels with the white tea.
  • When storing the drink, we can introduce a cinnamon stick into the container.

Puff pastry cake with apple

Of course, it is inevitable to fail to mention the puff pastry cake recipe. This is one of the most delicious recipes you can prepare with apple.

There are those who like to serve apple pie accompanied by some vanilla ice cream, although it can be enjoyed perfectly on its own. 

Homemade apple pie recipes.


  • 1/2 kilo of apples.
  • 1 medium egg (60 g).
  • Pre-cooked puff pastry.
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar (30 g).
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (5 g).
  • 2 tablespoons of orange juice (20 ml).


  • We peel the apples and remove the core. Next, we cut them into thin slices.
  • We spread the puff pastry and mix the apple slices with the orange juice, sugar and cinnamon.
  • We preheat the oven to 200 ° C.
  • We divide the mixture into four individual molds, wet the edge of each one.
  • We cut four round puff pastry caps and cover each cake.
  • We press with a fork.
  • Brush with the beaten egg and make a cut in the upper part so that the steam can come out.
  • Place the cakes on a tray and bake for about 35 minutes, until the surface is golden brown.

    Pancakes with apple

    Among the easiest apple recipes to prepare, we have the one for pancakes. You can enjoy it both for breakfast and as a snack. The important thing is to moderate the amount when enjoying.


    Ingredients (4 servings)

    • 3 apples.
    • A pinch of salt.
    • 4 medium eggs (240 g).
    • 3 glasses of milk (750 ml).
    • 8 tablespoons of honey (80 g).
    • 4 cups of flour (400 g).
    • Unsalted butter (to taste).
    • Powdered sugar to sprinkle.


    • We mix the eggs and milk. Once we have a homogeneous liquid, add the flour and honey.
    • We mix everything again to form a creamy paste without lumps.
    • We clean, peel and slice the apples. We withdraw the heart.
    • We add the apple slices to the mixture.
    • With the hand mixer, we incorporate everything until obtaining a homogeneous dough.
    • Besides, we melt a little butter in a frying pan over moderate heat.
    • We take a tablespoon of the pancake mix and place it in the pan to cook.
    • Let cook until the edges “peel off” and we see bubbles on top of the pancake. 
    • We turn it over and let it cook until it is well browned.
    • Once ready, we turn off the pan and reserve on a plate.
    • Finally we sprinkle a little icing sugar and serve.

    Apple Fritters

    Another of the most delicious and healthy apple recipes that you can try has its origin in Spanish gastronomy. It is very easy to prepare and adapts to any occasion.


    Ingredients (for 6 servings)

    • A pinch of salt.
    • 4 apples.
    • Cinnamon to taste).
    • 1 cup of sugar (100 g).
    • Vegetable oil (necessary quantity).
    • 3 teaspoons of pressed yeast (15 g).
    • 2 cups and a half grams of flour (250 g).
    • Optional: 2 glasses of cognac.


    • We peel the apples and then cut them into thin slices.
    • Next, we place them in a container, and sprinkle with sugar and cognac.
    • We leave to marinate for an hour.
    • In another container, we mix the yeast with warm water.
    • Add the flour and form a dough with the help of a tablespoon.
    • We add the syrup that was formed with the apples and the cognac.
    • We mix everything well and cover.
    • We leave the mixture in a warm place until the dough doubles its volume (we will notice this because the dough will “rise”).
    • We dry the dough with a cloth, then we pass it through flour and wrap it in a clean and dry cloth.
    • Meanwhile, we heat a frying pan with oil.
    • Before the oil is very hot, we proceed to form several small balls with the dough.
    • Put the balls in the oil and cook until golden brown.
    • At the end, we drain the balls on absorbent paper and sprinkle with cinnamon and icing sugar.

    We hope that these recipes with apple help you enjoy this healthy and delicious fruit.

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