All About The Pineapple Diet

Pineapple has antioxidant, satiating, diuretic and digestive properties. It is a food rich in vitamins and minerals that you will also love for its taste. It can be cooked in multiple ways, which will undoubtedly give an exotic touch to your dishes.

Pineapple, for its diuretic properties (according to this study carried out by the Taif University of Saudi Arabia) has been used in many diets to lose weight. However, you must not forget that, to lose weight, nothing better than following a healthy, varied diet with quality food.

To have an effective and healthy diet adapted to your nutritional needs, do not hesitate to consult a nutritionist. Also, do not forget that it is important to stay active and exercise regularly, as stated in this research published by the Revista Médica de Chile.

A diet based on a single food or food group can cause nutritional deficiencies if it is maintained as a regular diet. Next, we tell you more about pineapple and its benefits.

Pineapple benefits

Although there are no foods that can burn fat on their own, there are some ingredients that support the diet to try to lose body fat. The most important thing is to include them in a balanced and complete diet, which is adapted to the needs of each one.

These are some benefits of pineapple:

  • The pineapple ( Ananas comosus ) is a fruit rich in nutrients include calcium, potassium, and vitamin C and vitamin. Fresh pineapple is rich in bromelain which, according to this study by Mangalayatan University, can act as an anti-inflammatory.
  • Pineapple contains phenolic compounds that, as suggested by this research carried out by the Sichuan Agricultural University (China), have antioxidant activity and an anti-inflammatory function, in addition to inhibiting hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes in human cells.
  • Pineapples, as well as other fresh fruits, have been known for their positive effect in preventing cardiovascular disease. They have the benefit of containing high amounts of specific dietary fiber, which could help reduce the absorption of cholesterol by the body, according to data obtained from Tsinghua University (China).
  • The Taif University study on pineapple and obesity that we observed earlier also states that pineapple contains a large amount of vitamin C, which plays an important role as an antioxidant in counteracting the complications of fat accumulation in obesity. This is corroborated by this information obtained from the National Institutes of Health in the United States.

    What is the pineapple diet?

    Drain pineapple

    As we have commented before, we cannot attribute the “fat burning” capacity to certain foods, since there is really no evidence that indicates that their consumption will help us lose weight, since other factors must be taken into account.

    What we can say is that there are some foods that are rich in nutrients, but do not provide too many calories to the body. Of course, they must be part of a balanced and complete diet (essential for our well-being, according to this study carried out by the Provincial Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of Havana) so that there are no nutritional deficiencies.

    Do not forget to consult with a nutritionist so that they can follow up and make a suitable plan for you, according to your gender, age and lifestyle. Well, it is not recommended to make drastic changes in the diet without first asking a professional for advice.

    How to do the pineapple diet?

    It is important to be careful when choosing weight loss diets, as some are too restrictive and can put your health at risk. 

    In the next space we share some examples that include healthy foods such as whole grains, vegetables, and lean meats. If you want to vary them, how do you make sure you respect this balance so that you do not lack nutrients.

    As we have indicated, you should consult with a dietitian before putting it into practice, thus ensuring that it is suitable for your specific case.

    Day 1

    • Breakfast: Two slices of natural pineapple accompanied by a toast of wholemeal bread or two wholemeal cookies.
    • Lunch: Two slices of pineapple plus a beef fillet with boiled broccoli, dressed with a tablespoon of olive oil and apple cider vinegar.
    • Dinner: 200 gr of grilled breast made with a tablespoon of olive oil and a little salt. It is accompanied with a lettuce salad and two pineapple slices.

      Day 2

      • Breakfast: Two whole grain cookies, a natural yogurt and two slices of natural pineapple or in juice.
      • Lunch : Two slices of pineapple, 200 grams of grilled salmon made with olive oil and a pinch of salt.
      • Dinner: Mixed lettuce salad accompanied by a can of tuna in water and seasoned with a tablespoon of olive oil and vinegar. To this, two pineapple slices are added.

      Day 3

      • Breakfast: Two slices of natural pineapple or in juice plus two whole grain cookies and a coffee.
      • Lunch: 200 grams of grilled breast with steamed vegetables and two slices of pineapple.
      • Dinner : Vegetable cream made with cleansing vegetables such as celery, turnip, artichoke or asparagus. Add two slices of natural pineapple or juice.

        Contraindications of the pineapple diet

        Although pineapple can be effective within a diet to lose weight and combined with physical exercise, it is important to bear in mind that its excessive consumption could be harmful to health.

        Please do not exceed the recommended days and do not do it very often. Also, of course, make sure you get the go-ahead from a healthcare professional before starting it.

        This diet is low in calories and must be done carefully. While it helps you lose weight and get rid of fluid quickly, it is not suitable for people with kidney problems; In addition, lost weight is quickly regained if healthy habits are not established. We must get used to living healthily!

        To keep in mind

        For the pineapple diet to work with the expected results, once the recommended time is over, a healthy eating routine must be started, combined with physical activity and sufficient daily water. Hydration, as assured by this research carried out by the Spanish Society of Basic and Applied Nutrition, is essential to keep us healthy and energized.

        Lastly, it is worth repeating the recommendation to consult the nutritionist before starting the diet  so that he can evaluate your situation, indicate the steps to follow and thus you can carry out the routine with more control.

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