Anti-cellulite Treatments Easy To Do At Home

Do not resign yourself to having cellulite, it can be removed. You don’t have to spend excessive sums on expensive products that will drain your pocket. No, that is not necessary, since there are many natural remedies that can help you reduce cellulite on your skin.

Next we are going to explain everything you need to prepare home remedies that will help you fight cellulite. You need to remember something very important: An essential requirement for you to achieve the greatest efficiency in the use of these natural products is that you carry out a correct exfoliation of your skin before applying them.

Take note!

Doing exfoliating massages frequently in the area affected by cellulite helps the fat accumulated under your skin to move and, with it, all the toxic substances that are in that area. In this way, they pass into the blood so that the body can eliminate them correctly.

Conclusion: Home remedies to combat cellulite should always be complemented with exfoliating massages.

Step one: exfoliation to reduce cellulite

Natural loofah on a wooden brush

Take some olive or sunflower oil and apply it all over your body. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then take a shower, preferably with the hottest water you can handle (if you have varicose vein problems, then use only warm water).

Afterwards, wash the area affected by cellulite well with a neutral soap and a loofah or natural bristle brush  . With this exfoliating treatment you will be able to eliminate all the dead skin cells and you will be able to open the pores better.

In this way, the remedies you use against cellulite will be able to better penetrate your body. Remember that whenever you exfoliate the skin, you should moisturize it at the end, preferably with regenerating oils such as olive or musket.

Option 1: Lemon and olive oil

Peel several lemons, place the peels in a jar and cover them with the olive oil. Close the jar and let it marinate in a cold and dark place for a week (the jar where you keep this mixture must be previously sterilized to prevent the preparation you just made from being contaminated with remains of other substances).

After the week you can open the jar, strain the preparation and dilute it in olive oil, always keeping in mind that the amounts are similar.

Remember that lemon must be diluted because it has strong astringent properties, it is very caustic and could affect your skin. In addition, you should use it at night, because citrus oils are photosensitizing and can cause skin burns if after using it you expose yourself directly to sunlight.

Option 2: Avocado seeds to reduce cellulite


Another macerate that you can use is avocado. For its preparation, cut four large avocado seeds into small pieces, since they have numerous beneficial properties for our body. Keep in mind that the smaller they are, the better.

Remember that avocado seeds are hard and you must cut them into very small pieces so as not to break the processing machine. In case you don’t have this equipment at home, you can use a grater. Next,  place the crushed seeds in a jar and little by little add the olive, almond or sunflower oil, whichever you prefer and have more on hand.

Cover the preparation and let it rest for three days in a place that is preferably dark and cool. When this time has passed, you remove it from where you have been keeping it and place it in the refrigerator to prevent mold from growing.

And to finish…

The final step is to apply these preparations on the skin for a few minutes and repeat this treatment frequently, at least once a week.

With these two remedies that we have shared with you, you already have in your hands very valuable information that will help you greatly improve the current appearance of your body. Cellulite can be fought in this way, you just need to take the first step today.

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