Tips For Taking Care Of Your Baby’s Skin In Winter Days

The best way to take care of your baby’s skin during winter is to adopt some basic routines to avoid dryness and irritation. Remember that baby’s skin is very delicate and it is better to be safe than sorry.

Taking care of your baby’s skin in winter is essential, since this time of year has aggressive effects on the skin. The combination of cold and heating can easily cause dryness and irritation.

If special emphasis is placed on taking care of your baby’s skin, it is because it is much more delicate than that of an adult. For this reason, it requires more detailed measures. To this can be added the fact that some children are more prone to developing dry skin.

The solution is to take good care of your baby’s skin during this particular time of year. How to do it? Just apply a few simple measures; Also, keep in mind that it is necessary to avoid some practices.

Effects of cold on baby’s skin

Spots on the baby's skin

It must be taken into account that a baby’s skin is five times thinner than that of an adult. That is, between 40 and 60% thinner. In addition, it has little subcutaneous fat. This leads to them losing body heat more easily.

On the other hand, the skin is especially sensitive to external agents, such as cold, wind and heat. Also, the baby’s skin has a neutral pH and this makes it more prone to irritation and infection.

Both cold and sudden changes in temperature can cause alterations in the baby’s skin barrier. The consequence of this is redness and peeling of the skin, accompanied by itching, tightness and stinging.

The areas that tend to be most affected are the cheeks, lips and the back of the hands. The area around the eyes can also be punished by low temperatures and cold wind.

Tips to take care of your baby’s skin

The best way to take care of your baby’s skin in winter is by taking preventive measures. It is nothing to write home about, but a set of simple practices that you should not ignore, if you do not want difficulties. The main ones are the following.

Avoid sudden temperature changes

Sudden changes in temperature not only affect the baby’s skin, but can also lead to various health problems. Therefore, it is very important not to have the heat  too high in the house and not to cover it too much.

Be careful when getting out of the car. If exposed to sudden changes, the result could be dry  skin. It is highly recommended to have a humidifier in the room you sleep in, as this helps regulate body temperature.

Hydration, a fundamental aspect

Hydration is essential to take care of your baby’s skin in winter. It is a subject that must be worked on 24 hours a day . It is best to use a lotion suitable for your skin. In general, it must be reapplied every three to four hours. It is convenient to hydrate your lips with petroleum jelly.

At this point, the humidifier is also important. Heating and dry winter air take a lot of humidity out of the room and, therefore, this device is necessary. On the other hand, do not forget to give him milk and fluids on a regular basis, since hydration must also be internal.

Moderate baths

Do not bathe it  in very hot water, as this also encourages dryness. In fact, it is best that you do not bathe him every day but two or three times a week. The winter bath should last between 5 and 10 minutes.

It is important to dry your skin very well after bathing. Dab the towel gently, rather than rubbing it. It is highly recommended to apply a cream or an oil afterwards, as this forms a protective film that will come in handy.

Always wear sunscreen

The winter sun also emits the fearsome UV rays. In addition, the snow reflects these rays and, therefore, even causes burns. So an important measure to take care of your baby’s skin during this time is to apply sunscreen whenever you leave the house, if the baby is more than 6 months old.

Avoid diaper rash

You always have to take care of your baby for diaper rash, but during the winter this is even more important. The heat caused by wearing more layers of clothing increases the risk of this problem. If the baby has a rash on the bottom, do not apply powder, but a cream with zinc or petroleum jelly.

Do daily massages

Massages activate blood circulation and make the skin more elastic and smooth. The most advisable thing is to do a 10-minute massage every day. There are natural oils that make that massage more pleasant, but they can also attract dirt to your skin. Therefore, periodic bathing should not be neglected.

Beware of eczema

If at any time the baby develops eczema, it is indicated to bathe him frequently with a cleanser that does not contain soap. It is even good to wash the area twice a day and dry it gently. If the appearance of the skin does not improve, it is best to consult with the pediatrician about the measures to apply.

Take care of dandruff

It is common for babies to have dairy dandruff on their heads. So it shouldn’t surprise you if you see some flakes of skin when you remove the hat. This is the result of the sebaceous glands of the scalp and usually disappears on its own. Applying a mild oil helps reduce dandruff.

Appropriate clothing and coat

Clothing that is in direct contact with the baby’s skin should be made of a soft, breathable material and, if possible, made of natural fibers such as cotton. It is best to dress it in layers, so that clothes can be removed and put on without being so cumbersome. Be aware that some babies may be allergic to wool.

Products to avoid

Pediatric consultation of a sick baby.

The market is full of baby products and so much variety and cross-information can be overwhelming. There are some items that require extra caution as they can be harmful. Among them are the following.


In general, moisturizing products that contain perfumes or alcohol should be avoided. These elements can cause irritation and are therefore not recommended. The most indicated are medicated lotions and if there are very dry areas, creams or ointments are a good alternative.


A criterion similar to that of moisturizers should be applied. Products that contain fragrances, deodorants, or detergents are not good. The baby does not need all of that. It is recommended to use a soap-free cleanser.


No baby under 6 months should use sunscreen. At that age, it is best to protect them with the stroller cover and limit the time they are exposed to the sun. Babies over that age should wear a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, but they should not sunbathe for long, either.

Take care of the food and the temperature of the house

It is not advisable to wrap the baby excessively during this time, since this can cause counterproductive effects. It is important to include foods that are hydrating and that also strengthen your immune system in your diet.

So many tips for taking care of your baby’s skin in winter can seem overwhelming at first. However, if you adopt them little by little, they will soon become part of the routine without realizing it. If a rash appears, see your pediatrician.

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