8 Benefits Of Water That You Did Not Know

We will have a glass of water in those moments when it is difficult for us to think clearly and we feel that our brain is not 100%. This way we will hydrate it and recover its faculties

Surely you have already heard and read many times about the benefits of water. In fact, it has many health benefits, as our body is largely made up of water. In general, experts recommend drinking between 6 or 8 glasses of water a day, since this in addition to keeping us hydrated, also contributes to the proper functioning of our body and even to the beauty of our skin and hair.

In addition, water is considered the second most essential to live, after oxygen, since it intervenes in all the processes of individual life that takes place in our body. Our body weight is composed of up to 2/3 of water.

  • 85% of our brain is water.
  • 22% of our bones are water.
  • 83% of our blood is water.
  • 75% of our muscles are water.

Health benefits of water

Bearing in mind that water is essential to feel good, energetic and vital, below we introduce you to the incredible benefits of water so that you are encouraged to consume it in its proper measure (2 to 2.5 liters per day or 6 to 8 glasses).

1. Contributes to weight loss

water benefits


Water is essential to lose weight, as it helps us feel full and contributes to the good rhythm of metabolism. In addition, water replaces packaged soft drinks and juices that tend to have a lot of sugar and calories. Water has no calories, no carbohydrates, and no sugar. When we drink water we increase the rate of metabolism. Thanks to this we have a better result if we want to lose weight.

2. It is good for the kidneys

For a good functioning of the kidneys it is necessary to drink enough water. When we drink water, it helps to dilute the salts and minerals with which the body forms stones that pass through the urine. When a person does not drink enough water they tend to develop kidney stones.

3. Prevents cognitive failures

Drink enough water, benefits of water


If you have concentration and memory problems, you may be drinking little water. According to a British study published in the Nutrition Magazine , lack of water can influence our brain. The researchers showed that dehydration could cause cognitive problems such as memory and attention failures, lack of adequate response to certain visual stimuli, and mood disturbances.

4. It is good for heart health

A study by the Adventist Health Study found that women who drink more than five glasses of water a day can reduce their chances of heart disease by up to 41% compared to those who only drink one or two glasses a day.

Likewise, men can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by up to 54% if they drink more than 5 glasses of water a day. People who are at risk for heart disease should drink water as a prevention method.

5. Another benefit of water: improves digestion and fights constipation


Tips against constipation

The digestive system requires a certain amount of water to digest properly. When a person drinks water frequently, they can reduce their heartburn problems and intestinal problems. Water in conjunction with fiber is ideal to combat constipation, which is also often the result of dehydration.

On the other hand, when a person is not sufficiently hydrated, the colon absorbs the water from the stool, making it harder and more difficult to expel. You must drink water to avoid constipation.

6. Ideal for healthy, radiant skin

When we drink water we also contribute to have a healthier, radiant and youthful skin. Water plays a very important role in hydrating the skin and also improves elasticity. In addition, consuming water promotes detoxification and purification of the blood, which is reflected in a clean, clear face with less acne.

7. The benefits of water go hand in hand with greater vitality

One of the causes of fatigue during the day is mild dehydration. In these cases, we feel more tired, we feel a headache and it can affect our behavior. When we drink water, it helps the body’s metabolic processes to take place correctly. Those that serve to obtain energy and vitality.

8. Regulates body temperature

overcome depression

Water is vital for regulating body temperature, especially after doing physical activity, when you’re sweating. As sweat evaporates, the body cools down. When we lose too much water as part of sweating, the risk of heat exhaustion increases, so it is necessary to drink water to stay hydrated and perform better during exercises.

In conclusion, we need to drink water in just the right amount for our body and mind to function properly. If you have not yet discovered the benefits of water, we recommend you start drinking 6 to 8 glasses a day. You will notice the difference.

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