How To Eliminate Bad Smell In The Kitchen And At Home

First of all, we must be clear about the reason why our home contains a bad smell, although generally among the most common causes we have:

  • Poor ventilation.
  • Weather.
  • Age of the house.
  • Bacteria
  • Dirt residue.
  • Bad food.
  • Humidity.

In order to get rid of these unpleasant odors that also make our home look bad, we can choose between buying an odor extractor, buying some air freshener or using some natural tricks that will perfume the whole environment. Thus, this last option seems the most affordable and recommended. The reason is that industrial air fresheners can contain substances that are very harmful to health, such as phthalates. Here we offer you a variety of them to eliminate those unpleasant odors.

The vanilla

You can mix drops of vanilla extract with water and rub it on wooden furniture and light bulbs, so when they turn on they will give off a smell of this product.

The coffee

Coffee eliminates the bad smell of the house

It is also a good space deodorizer, just put a little coffee in a pot, either used or unused. Thanks to this you will achieve a delicious aroma in our house or kitchen.

The citrus

Using lemon and orange peels you will get a pleasant smell, since these can burn and, after that, they will release the aroma throughout the house.

The salt

It is very suitable for eliminating strong odors. To use this remedy, first pour half a cup of salt over the area you want to clean. Cold water is then sprayed on and cleaned as you do daily.

Softening wipes

If you put them in the bottom of the trash can, you will eliminate their bad odors.

Bad smell in the kitchen?

White vinegar

Putting a little white vinegar on the fire will help you eliminate the smell of fish.

Lemon and cloves


Place 1 ½ cups of water, 3 chopped lemons and cloves in a saucepan. Boil it and this will help eliminate the smell of burnt popcorn.

Lemon juice

It can be used to remove the smell of garlic and onion if you mix it with water.

Thyme, rosemary or bay leaf

Place any of them on a hot surface so that they give off their aroma in the form of steam.

The cinnamon

If we boil the cinnamon in water it helps us to eliminate the smell of fish in our kitchen.


Mix ½ cup of bleach with cold water to put it in the dishwasher. Let it act for 20 minutes and then let the water run, thus we will eliminate its bad smell.


As we can see, there are many tips to take into account when it comes to eliminating those annoying odors easily and quickly and, incidentally, we leave a pleasant aroma in our home.

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