Top 9 Antidepressant Foods

There are some foods that have properties that help improve mood. Because of this, they are known as ‘antidepressants’. Do you dare to incorporate them into your diet? Discover them!

There is a wide variety of foods that, due to their nutritional composition, have the ability to improve mood, especially when faced with states of sadness, decay or stress. They are also known as “antidepressant foods” and can be a complement in dealing with depression.

Of course, due to the complexity of this mental illness, they are not a first-line treatment option. Even so, they can be incorporated into the usual diet to take advantage of their effects. Do you dare to try them? Next, we share 9 options.

The best antidepressant foods to include in your diet

Depression is a mental illness whose prevalence is increasing. Without adequate intervention, it can have relevant consequences for the quality of life of the affected person. In fact, depressive disorders have become a leading cause of disability around the world.

Now, given the complications it can cause, not only mentally but also physically, it is necessary to seek professional care. From the hand of psychologists and other mental health professionals, it is possible to find an effective treatment for this disease.

In turn, it is possible to look for supplements to improve the mood and the feeling of well-being. For example, as shown by research published in the World Journal of Psychiatry , it is convenient to incorporate some antidepressant foods into the diet. 

These, due to their nutritional composition, stimulate brain chemical activity and help the secretion of substances such as serotonin and endorphins, known as hormones of happiness. In turn, they act as anti-inflammatories and improve neuroplasticity, which helps the brain to be more resilient to stress. Which are? Discover them!

1. Fatty fish

Fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, tuna and anchovies occupy an important place in the list of antidepressant foods. The reason? Its significant content of omega 3 fatty acids.

According to a study published in Translational Psychiatry , current evidence supports that omega 3 has beneficial effects in treating depression. Its effect is attributed to its ability to promote greater synthesis of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).

This substance, which is a protein, improves neuroplasticity and, consequently, helps the brain to have a better response to situations that cause stress. That is why there is a lower risk of falling into depressive states.

Among the antidepressant foods, fish stands out.

2. Nuts

Nuts contain nutrients that significantly improve the quality of the diet. In addition to their vitamins and minerals, they are a source of healthy fats, fiber, and plant-based proteins. On the other hand, they have an amino acid known as tryptophan, whose assimilation helps the production of serotonin.

A study published in Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care concludes that a diet rich in tryptophan improves mood and cognition. Therefore, cashews, almonds, walnuts and other varieties are worth consuming. Do it in moderation so as not to exceed the calories.

3. Brown rice

This food provides fiber, antioxidants and essential minerals that have a positive impact on mental health. In particular, it is believed to be an adjunct to serotonin secretion. However, the evidence is still limited.

4. Bitter chocolate

One of the antidepressant foods that cannot be missed on this list is dark chocolate. Known for its taste and nutritional properties, it is a food whose moderate consumption can help improve mood. Of course, this as long as it is included in the framework of a healthy diet.

A review published in the journal Planta Medica determined that its significant contribution of flavonoids contributes to reducing inflammation and improving brain health, which is also key to mental health.

5. Fermented foods

These days, fermented foods have been the focus of various scientific investigations. Because of this, its potential as adjuvants against disorders such as depression is known. Why are they good? For its ability to regulate the intestinal microbiota.

A study shared in the journal Cell states that having a healthy microbiota is key to optimal serotonin production. It is even believed that 90% of this substance is produced thanks to healthy bacteria in the intestine. Some options are as follows:

  • Kimchi.
  • Yoghurt.
  • Kefir.
  • Kombucha.
  • Sauerkraut.
Yogurt is included among antidepressant foods.

6. Bananas

Bananas contain vitamin B6, a nutrient that is involved in the synthesis of well-being neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. Because of this, they are considered antidepressant foods. You can consume them alone or added in smoothies.

7. Oats

Another important food in a diet against depression is oatmeal. Its content of amino acids, carbohydrates and healthy fats make it a very complete option to improve your mood. In turn, it increases the feeling of energy and satiety.

8. Berries

The consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with a lower risk of depression. Berries, in particular, are noted for their concentration of antioxidant substances such as anthocyanins. 

Regarding the latter, a study in the journal Molecules found that their assimilation helps reduce depression symptoms by up to 39%. What if you include them in your breakfasts or snacks?

9. Legumes

Both lentils and beans and other varieties of legumes provide vitamin B. This nutrient is essential when it comes to fighting depression, since it intervenes in the secretion of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA). All, together, regulate the mood.

Can You Relieve Depression With Antidepressant Foods?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. It is essential to bear in mind that depression is a care disorder, which requires the intervention of professionals. Therefore, although antidepressant foods contribute to its treatment, they are not a first-choice option nor do they have magical properties.

In fact, the ideal thing is to consult with a nutritionist to adopt a diet based on individual nutritional needs. In this way, there will also be better results with the treatment. Keep that in mind!

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