Get Energized With This Grapefruit, Banana And Avocado Smoothie

Feeling tired and grumpy when we wake up can be the result of a poor night’s sleep, nutritional deficiencies, or stress. They are very common conditions that, although they are not always recurrent, affect health and productivity throughout the day.

The problem is that many downplay it and ignore that it can be fought with the practice of some morning habits.

In fact, there are some foods and drinks with which you can control your symptoms without risking unwanted reactions.

Among the options we find a delicious grapefruit, banana and avocado smoothie whose contribution of nutrients gives us an extra energy and vitality.

Grapefruit, banana and avocado smoothie to fill you up with energy

woman drinking a cleansing smoothie

Natural smoothies have become one of the best ways to provide the body with nutrients and energy.

These combine the properties of fruits and vegetables, and provide the body with a wide variety of benefits both internally and externally.

Their advantage over other types of energy drinks is that they are 100% natural, low in calories and free of added sugars and substances.

On this occasion we propose to prepare it with grapefruit, banana and avocado, three ingredients rich in  vitamins and antioxidants that protect cells against oxidative damage.

Their combination provides significant amounts of proteins, essential fatty acids and minerals that activate both cognitive functions and physical abilities. In addition, since it is very satiating, including it in the diet helps to lose weight in a healthy way.

How to prepare this energizing smoothie?


Preparing this delicious smoothie is a nutritious and healthy way to combat fatigue when you wake up, or after a tiring day. Its essential nutrients relax muscles, control stress and activate metabolism so that it runs smoothly during the day.

Also, since it is rich in antioxidants, its regular intake helps prevent the unwanted effects of free radicals.


  • 2 large grapefruits
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • ½ teaspoon of ground ginger (2 g)
  • 1 branch of mint
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)


  • Extract the juice from two large grapefruits and reserve them in the blender glass.
  • Then, cut the ripe bananas into several pieces and scoop out the pulp from the avocado with the help of a spoon.
  • Mix the ingredients in the blender, and add the ginger, the mint branch and the water.
  • Process everything for a few moments, until you get a homogeneous drink without lumps.
  • If you like, add more water to make it more liquid.
  • Consume it freshly prepared to take full advantage of all its properties.

Consumption mode

  • Serve a glass of this drink and consume it on an empty stomach or as part of breakfast.
  • Optionally, you can prepare it in those moments when energy drops bother you.
  • In fact, it is a good option to control hunger in times of anxiety. You can take it as a replacement for industrial snacks.
  • Take it three times a week, or every time you wake up feeling tired.

Final Recommendations

get up in a good mood

The nutrient content of this smoothie can help combat fatigue in the morning. However, it is convenient to put into practice other healthy habits to avoid it being a recurring problem.

  • Try to sleep without interruptions, no less than 8 hours a day.
  • Take a cold shower, especially if you continue to feel sleepy when you wake up.
  • Get regular exercise and eat a balanced and healthy diet.
  • Eat a high-quality breakfast that includes fiber, protein, and antioxidants.
  • Avoid excessive intake of industrial energy drinks.
  • Practice relaxation techniques at the beginning and end of the day.

Do you dare to try it at home? Follow this simple recipe and discover that you can bring many benefits to your body by adding it to your diet.

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