When Should We Wash Our Face With Hot Or Cold Water?

Facial cleansing is an essential step in the daily routine, since it allows to keep the skin healthy and free of impurities. Although today there are different products to clean the face, using mild soap and hot or cold water is still the most common.

However, many people doubt at what temperature to use the water so as not to affect the natural pH of the skin. It is very important to know how to choose the water temperature so as not to cause any skin problems.

Next we will explain to you what is better to wash your face with, if with hot or cold water.

When is it good to wash your face with cold water?

Cold water is proven to have the ability to stimulate blood flow. It can also facilitate the removal of waste that is stored under the dermis, and that is responsible for visible blemishes such as acne, cellulite and blemishes.

Unlike what happens with high temperatures, cold water helps seal pores,  retain natural oils and firm the most superficial layer of the skin,  which helps to avoid the signs of aging.

Cold or hot water, which is better to wash your face?

Is it convenient to wash our face with ice water?

In recent months, the trend of using ice water as part of your facial routine has become quite popular.

Despite the sharp contrast in contact with the skin, it seems to be a good therapy to maintain good skin health. It is said to have a firming effect and to help eliminate skin impurities, which is why it has become famous as a remedy to prevent wrinkles.

In addition, its anti-inflammatory effect is said to help mitigate dark circles and puffiness and reduce the size of acne pimples.

To use ice water, it is best to put some ice cubes in a bowl of water, and use it to rinse our face.

In any case, it is a method for the bravest, although its advantages outweigh: the ice water activates circulation, facilitates greater cellular oxygenation and brings a lot of freshness.

However, there are people who still have the question of: hot or cold water? What is the most convenient?

When is it good to wash your face with hot water?

Hot water has a relaxing effect and can help relieve both physical and emotional tension. However, no beauty expert recommends using it on a regular basis, as it has some negative effects.

First of all, we must consider that the skin has natural oils that help it to remain elastic and protected. Water at high temperatures (of course, bearable) causes these fats to be altered, which could  cause dryness or cause disorders such as  rosacea.

In addition, it is believed to influence the decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, which increases sagging and the presence of wrinkles.

On the other hand, the advantage that is found is that it helps to dilate clogged pores, and facilitates the elimination of small comedones and blackheads.

It is also convenient to use it before removing facial hair, since it opens the follicle and facilitates the extraction of hair from the root, if wax or tweezers are used.

So which is better, hot or cold water?

Is it convenient to wash your face with warm water?

Cold or hot water, which is better to wash your face?

The answer is yes. It is convenient to wash your face with warm water. Neither too cold nor too hot.

We can opt for the medium temperature, neither too cool nor hot. Thus we will reach a neutral point that, without great benefits, has no negative effects. Warm water does not alter the oils in the skin and, together with soap or a cream, works to remove even the deepest dirt.

The best thing will always be to  choose the most suitable for each  one,  depending on the type of skin and the needs of the moment.

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