Natural Antidepressants: Myth Or Reality?

Those who have been diagnosed with depression need not only the support of a therapist but also drug treatment. Now, are there natural antidepressants? Would it be possible to resort to them? Would they really be effective?

Over the years, various investigations have been conducted to evaluate the effect of the use of certain elements. In some cases they were plants with medicinal properties, other times food and in others, specific compounds of any of the previous options.

Natural antidepressants: do they exist?

Although it is true that research has been carried out to evaluate whether a food or any other substance really has an action that can prevent depression, for the most part, they conclude that it is necessary to continue delving into the issue and that the evidence found is significant (and therefore cannot be validated as a treatment far from it) at the scientific level.

In many media, the properties and effects that cayenne pepper, foods that are rich in omega 3 and L-tryptophan, amino acids, among others, can have, have been exaggerated for the benefit of health. And it has even been claimed that they are natural antidepressants.

It has also been claimed that natural fatty acids (better known as omega 3 ) can help improve mood, reducing anxiety states. However, this is nothing more than a hoax. To date, there is no evidence of any food, plant or other item that has properties that can prevent depression or other psychosomatic disorders.

Activities that can be considered natural antidepressants

Natural antidepressants can be used as a complement to the treatment prescribed by the specialist. Some come to be hot drinks, with a comforting effect at the moment, while others are more like activities that help to distract the mind and relax the body (such as jogging, yoga, etc.).

Regarding the activities that we can consider as natural antidepressants, we can indicate the following:

  • Sunbathe. There is evidence that sunlight causes an increase in the production of serotonin and vitamin D. In addition, different reviews indicate that sun exposure improves mood and has effects on good mood.
  • To laugh. Laughter can increase our happiness and help us reduce anxiety.
  • Practice meditation. Meditating for a few minutes a day can help manage the symptoms of depression. There are studies in which the intervention based on meditation has been effective in improving the mood of the participants.

In addition to following the guidelines of your GP and psychiatrist, it may be possible to incorporate the following natural antidepressants into your diet as a supplement. They do not come to be cures as such, but they are a good support that is worth taking advantage of when comforting and encouraging oneself.

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