Is It Possible To Strengthen The Lungs With Medicinal Herbs?

Your lungs are an indispensable part of your respiratory system. In addition to following good habits, such as avoiding tobacco and exercising, discover what medicinal herbs can support your lung health.

Take care of your lungs

Apart from the medicinal herbs that we will talk about later, follow these recommendations to take care of your respiratory system:

  • If you smoke, it is time to quit. Otherwise, you run the risk of serious illnesses, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • Avoid environments with high amounts of toxins or contamination. Sometimes we are forced to work in contexts that, in the long term, will damage our lung health.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.  Broccoli, for example, is a food with properties to cleanse our body of toxins.
  • Remember to drink several glasses of water a day ; thus, you can enjoy all its benefits.
  • How about doing a little cardio? Something light, but that forces you to raise your heart rate a bit: walking, cycling, swimming, etc. Half an hour or an hour a day is enough.

Right herbs for your lungs

While the following alternatives can help you, remember that they can never be a replacement for the treatment indicated by the doctor, and could even hinder it if consumed simultaneously.

Ginger infusion

Ginger is a medicinal root that should be close by for many aspects of our health. As for the lungs, it contains a compound called 6-gingerol that strengthens them and helps rid them of toxins, inflammations and phlegm. You can prepare a ginger infusion once or twice a day.

Mullein grass

Mullein infusion

Its scientific name is Verbascum thapsus.  You may not know it, but you can find it in herbalists, and even in tablets at the pharmacy. Among other things, it acts as an expectorant, so it will come in handy if you have a cold or the flu.

Take an infusion of mullein twice a day. According to traditional recipes, you just have to bring a tablespoon of this plant to a boil and let it rest for 5 minutes. Accompany it with a tablespoon of honey.

Infusion of thyme and chamomile

Thyme  contains thymol, a component that relaxes the bronchial tubes and eliminates possible bacteria that exist in them, according to studies carried out in animals. In fact, thymol is used as the active ingredient in some antitussive drugs.

Although there is no scientific evidence to support this, it is said that if you also combine it with chamomile in an infusion, its benefits can be further enhanced, acting as a relaxant and strengthener of these essential organs.

Liquorice in infusion

Surely you know the classic liquorice lozenges to relieve coughs, so it will not surprise you that we propose a liquorice infusion. Licorice is considered to be a good expectorant, a good lung health protector, and a great relaxant. You should be careful if you suffer from hypertension, since in that case it is contraindicated.

Fennel and lemon balm infusion for your lungs


Fennel has properties historically used (cited in this study, page 4) to promote lung and bronchial health and respiration. Combined with lemon balm infusion, it can provide rest and give a feeling of well-being.

You can take care of the health of your lungs with medicinal herbs; However, if you suffer from any pathology, consult your doctor to inform you about the possible interactions between the medications you are taking and these remedies.

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