9 Exercises You Can Do In The Morning In 9 Minutes To Get In Shape

Starting the day with a little exercise routine costs nothing, plus you get some positive results from it. It is a simple way to activate the metabolism, burn calories and charge the body with energy to start the day on the right foot.

Here are some key exercises that can be done in the morning in as little as 10 minutes. These will help to relax the tensions that build up in some muscles and to keep the body in shape.

Join us to get to know them!

To begin with, it is important to know that training in the morning has benefits that have been demonstrated through research, for example, there is a study that was carried out in 2015 which showed that physical activity performed first thing in the morning can promote lipid oxidation, as well as decreases intramyocellular triglycerides, visceral fat and LDL cholesterol.

Likewise, training in the early hours is positive for activating the body, releasing serotonin and reducing stress, in this way , daily activities are better coped with and with good courage. Let’s see below which exercises are the most appropriate to start the day:

1. Lie down and lift weights

It is not necessary to lift heavy weights. It’s just about doing a simple resistance routine where you can strengthen your arms. For it:

  • First, lie down on a mat and breathe deeply for a few minutes.
  • Then raise and lower your arms for 5 minutes while lifting a small hand weights.
  • This exercise can be done 3 times a week combined with those that follow.

2. Jump rope


It is easy and fun. In fact, it is much better with some music and adding intensity to the jumps in a row. It only takes a jump rope or jump rope and a lot of enthusiasm.

You can start with jumps at a normal pace, then gradually increase your speed. This will help to activate us in the morning, without having to seek to exhaust ourselves. You can perform 3 repetitions of 20 jumps each.

Try it!

3. Push-ups “superman”

Under this original term there is one of the most common exercises in those morning routines that the body can get used to. We explain how to do it:

  • The first thing is to lie face down on a mat.
  • Then, the legs are separated.
  • Now, with your arms close to your body, lift your torso (like a superhero who is going to take flight with his arms close to his waist).
  • It is important to put pressure on the lower back.
  • You can hold this position for 20 to 25 seconds. Perform 3 repetitions.

4. Exercise with the chair

This exercise is simple and useful to do. For this, you will need a firm chair with good supports and that does not slide when executing the stretch.

  • First, once the chair is positioned, stand in front of it and bring one foot to the seat (look at the image).
  • Next, lean your body to feel a slight pull on the opposite leg. Do not do it abruptly.
  • Repeat the exercise with the other leg. It can be done 15 times. Then rest.

5. Legs up

More than an exercise, it is a relaxing and flattering position for the circulation of the legs. It should only be:

  • First, find a comfortable and safe posture in front of a wall.
  • Then raise your legs and lean them against the wall, while keeping your arms extended.
  • Hold for 2 or 3 minutes.

This position works very well at the end of an intensity exercise, since it relaxes the body, harmonizes breathing, facilitates blood flow and even oxygenates the brain.

Give it a try!

6. Exercise of the invisible bicycle

At some point in childhood, this somewhat playful exercise will have been carried out. It is very easy to carry out, you just have to follow the following steps:

  • First, lie on your back on the bed.
  • Then raise your legs.
  • Then, hold the waist with your hands and lift yourself a little higher.
  • Finally, simulate the movement of pedaling a bicycle with your legs. You can start with a low intensity and then increase it. Hold for 30 seconds.

7. Hamstring stretch


  • First, sit on a mat.
  • Next, bend one leg so that the sole of the foot touches the opposite thigh.
  • Then lean your body forward and try to keep your lower back straight.
  • The tip of the foot that is extended should be reached with the hand.
  • Finally, hold this position for 30 seconds, rest and repeat with the other leg.

8. Hoop or hula-hoop exercises

Do you have the classic hoop called a hula-hoop ? It can be found in any sports store. It is cheap and can be used to perform multiple exercises.

You can activate the body in the morning by performing waist movements in which the ring will rotate through this area of ​​the body without falling.

You can put on some music and try to keep the beat for 2-3 minutes. You will see how beneficial it is to recharge your batteries.

9. Back stretch

stretch back

This exercise is just as recommended and therapeutic to start the morning well. It is not complicated, it is not exhausting, and it will help alleviate possible tensions caused by a bad rest. Steps to carry out:

  • First, get into a doggy position and arch your back for a few seconds.
  • Then bring the belly down and the spine in the opposite position to the image.
  • It can be repeated 10 times and then rest. Breathe deeply with every movement.

Finally, doing workouts, especially when waking up, will result in multiple benefits for the body and health.

According to Healthline magazine, it can even help improve concentration, obtain better food options and more energy in general, and finally optimize rest at the end of the day.

Choose the exercises you want from this list for a morning routine of no more than 9-10 minutes. Little by little you will notice a great well-being.

Also read: Discover the benefits of doing sustained exercises

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