6 Medicinal Treatments To Cure Fatty Liver Naturally

In addition to including these treatments in our daily routine, it is essential that we adopt a healthy diet and exercise regularly to avoid the accumulation of fat.

Fatty liver or hepatic steatosis is a fairly common disorder today, the product of a high-fat diet and a sedentary lifestyle. However, with a proper diet , the prognosis can be improved in a completely natural way.

This is one of the biggest concerns among adult patients, and it is that a large part of them do not know of its existence due to lack of specific symptoms. Some studies, such as this one published by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires, still continue to study the prevalence of this disease today.

Fortunately, in most cases it does not occur seriously and its impact can almost always be reversed by adopting some healthy habits. Today we will discover some of them.

However, do not forget that, before any symptoms, the first thing you should do is go to the doctor. Remember that only he has the last word.

What is the fatty liver?

It is a disorder that occurs when fat represents between 5% and 10% of the total weight of the liver.

Most diagnoses are given to patients who have diabetes or who are in the average age of 45-50 years, although younger cases may occur. In addition, an investigation carried out by the Valme University Hospital (Seville, Spain), ensures that there is a correlation between fatty liver disease and subclinical atherosclerosis.

Depending on its cause, fatty liver is classified into two types and its treatment will depend on that.



1. Fatty liver from alcohol

It is caused by excessive alcohol consumption, which leads to liver damage, making it unable to break down the fats that accumulate there.

The good news is that, in a mild phase, it could be reversed, as long  as the person quits the habit of drinking alcohol for good. Otherwise, the disorder can continue to progress until developing cirrhosis, as this research carried out by the Princess Research Institute (Madrid) ensures.

2. Non-alcoholic fatty liver

In this case, its main cause is obesity, a condition that, according to this study by the General Hospital of Móstoles, in Spain, would develop as a result of poor diet and lack of exercise. Therefore, a drastic change could help in the treatment of fatty liver.

Likewise, it can be caused by type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high triglyceride levels, and metabolic syndrome.

Can fatty liver be cured naturally?

Some natural remedies could be complemented with medical treatment, as long as the professional authorizes it. However, they do not serve to treat or cure the disease as such. 

1. Artichokes

Artichoke to cure fatty liver

This vegetable is very low in calories and has a diuretic action that supports the elimination of retained fluids to improve the functioning of the body in general.

Its ability to control high cholesterol levels and blood sugar is one of its main benefits against fatty liver, as it would help reduce the absorption of fat. According to a study published by the newsletter of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Cairo, it is a highly recommended food to treat obesity.

The best way to consume it is in its natural state or in light preparations, such as baked or cooked.

2. Grapefruit

Not only is this popular citrus good for weight loss, it also supports liver steatosis relief. Its low glucose level makes it a recommended supplement for treating diabetes problems, according to the following research by Dr. Davis at The Hormone Foundation.

A compound in grapefruit known as naringenin could be responsible for facilitating the oxidation of fatty compounds. 100% natural grapefruit juice is the best way to enjoy all its properties.

3. Radishes

Low in calories, radishes have an anti-inflammatory and purifying action that contributes to the improvement in patients with diabetes, as stated in this research carried out by the Jordanian University of Science and Technology.

Its frequent consumption could help with the improvement of fatty liver, as it would reduce body fat, and prevent it from continuing to accumulate in this organ. Radishes are often included raw in salads and smoothies.


4. Beetroot

This vegetable has a purifying action that facilitates the elimination of fat and other waste substances that accumulate when the liver does not work in optimal conditions. This is stated in this research carried out by the University of Benin.

Its raw consumption in natural juice or in smoothies is the best alternative to introduce it into the diet. However, it can be boiled in a little water to prepare salads and other recipes.

5. Dandelion

According to a study by the General University of Aarhus, in Denmark, the dandelion infusion could  purify the body and improve liver function.

Its nutritional properties help purify the liver to eliminate waste substances and increase metabolism to facilitate fat burning.

6. Milk thistle

According to a study carried out by the University of Concepción (Chile), thistle plays an important hepatoprotective role. Its extract contains a compound known as silymarin, a medicinal asset that could protect the liver against free radicals.

In health food stores offer this product in capsules or natural extract. Whatever the choice, it should be at least 80% silymarin.

Now that you know how to improve the prognosis of fatty liver, we hope that you will be encouraged to start this change in your diet. Do not forget to consult your doctor first, especially if you suffer from any other related pathology. Your health is in your hand.

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