7 Signs That You Are Not Eating Enough Protein

Although hair loss is usually one of the most recognizable signs of a lack of protein, there are others that we may not relate and that also correspond to this deficit. We tell you about them here.

Lack of protein causes the body to send us a series of signals that may be much more obvious than you think. If you think you are not eating enough protein, pay attention to the following signs that your body may be sending you. Take note and see if it may be your case.

Do not forget that proteins are essential for preserving muscle mass, as well as for the development and repair of the body’s cells. They also participate in many other physiological processes, such as hormonal ones. They are essential nutrients and their consumption should not be neglected.

1. Cravings

Not consuming enough protein has consequences.

What protein does is level blood sugar. In this way, if you do not take enough quantity, it is clear that this function is not fulfilled, so you will begin to present those sudden cravings for sweet,  which may in part be associated with a problem of malnutrition.

2. Dry skin, weak nails and hair

  • If you don’t take in the necessary amount of protein, your hair will become much finer and more fragile, and it will fall out more easily.
  • As for the dermis, it is also common for flaking and excessive dryness of the skin to appear.
  • Likewise, if you observe that the cuticles form a kind of ridges or lifts on their surface, it may also correspond to a protein deficit.

3. Lack of concentration

If you have trouble concentrating, this may also be due to a lack of protein. And it is that, without the amount of proteins necessary in the body, we can experience short bursts of lucidity followed by others of confusion.

The reason that this happens is that there are fluctuations in blood sugar levels, and this directly affects the functioning of the brain.

4. Muscle and joint pain

If you notice that you suffer from muscle weakness and you have pain in the joints without having made a previous effort, perhaps your problem is related to a lack of protein.

The reason is none other than the need for proteins that the tissues of the whole body have, in particular the muscular ones, to be properly nourished.

In fact, a continued lack of protein is associated with an increased risk of developing sarcopenia, according to the latest research.

5. Slow recoveries

If with any injury you see that you always have a very slow recovery, it may be due to a lack of protein.

  • Keep in mind that proteins are essential for a good process of repair and development of new cells to take place.
  • These are responsible for strengthening the immune system.
  • If you lack protein, you will notice that your skin becomes much thinner and the wounds take longer to heal.

In the framework of sports nutrition, proteins are essential to ensure proper muscle recovery and to reduce the risk of injury.

According to a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition , a contribution of up to 3 grams of protein / kg of weight / day may even be necessary in athletes to ensure muscle function.

6. Fluid retention

An improper diet with a protein deficiency can cause us to experience annoying fluid retention that, in addition, will cause us to gain volume.

Try to avoid both alcohol and excess salt, eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water.

7. Lower defenses

If you don't consume enough protein, infections can develop.

A protein deficit in our body can cause our immune system to be weakened.

Proteins are essential for our defenses, so their scarcity also leads to a general vulnerability to all kinds of diseases, making us more prone to them.

Some recommendations for the lack of protein

If you have a lack of protein and you notice these symptoms, it is time to introduce ingredients rich in this nutrient into your diet, do not hesitate to increase the consumption of the following:


  • It is a food that provides 18 grams of protein to the body per 100 grams and, in addition, they are rich in iron.
  • This legume helps us to renew the cells of the body and prevent premature aging.


  • Spinach is a great option for protein, and it is also a good source of calcium and iron.
  • You can take them raw, in a salad, or cook them. Cooked spinach increases its protein intake up to 5 times and has a higher concentration of iron.

Seeds and nuts

It is a series of foods that are rich in protein and also in fiber, thus preventing constipation. It will be enough to do a moderate consumption of them so that you notice the difference.


Meat is the protein-rich food par excellence.

  • Chicken breast stands out, a food that is low in fat and with high amounts of protein (26 per 100 grams).
  • On the other hand we have  the roast turkey, which also contains little fat and a little more protein. In this case it is 29 grams (for every 100).
  • A 100-gram beef fillet provides us with 21 grams of protein.
  • Finally, the Serrano ham provides us with 30 grams of protein (per 100 grams).

Guarantees protein intake for good health

It is important to eat protein on a daily basis, otherwise the body may suffer negative consequences. Respect the advice we have given you to slightly increase the protein intake.

Try to consume these nutrients regularly, and if you have any further questions, consult a nutrition professional.

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