How To Make Seed Bags To Relieve Pain

A natural alternative to prevent and help fight muscle aches is to use seed “bags” to relieve pain.

Muscle aches are a common annoyance among those who lead hectic and overloaded lifestyles. Bad posture, excessive physical activity and stress are some of the factors that keep the body in tension until causing intense pain. Do you want to learn how to make seed “sachets” to give it relief?

The bags are a 100% ecological and natural invention that can be made very easily at home with a few materials. Next, we will reveal the whole process to you.

What are the benefits of seed “sachets”?

Blue seed bag.

Seed “sachets” are soft cotton cloth bags that, as the name suggests, are filled with various types of seeds.

This invention would be considered by the British Medical Journal as a technique derived from therapeutic massage since, both hot and cold, would help  reduce pain in the joints, muscles and other parts of the body.

Although there is no scientific evidence on their operation, it is said that they help to activate circulation over the area where they are applied to calm  inflammation and promote the sensation of relief. 

On the other hand, the most used seeds are:

  • Flaxseed.
  • Wheat.
  • The rosemary.
  • Lavender.
  • Barley
  • The Mint.
  • Rice.
  • The birdseed.
  • Sesame.
  • Sunflower seeds.

In addition, another of its advantages is that thanks to its size and malleability, they can be transported anywhere to always have them at hand.

How to make “sachets” of seeds for pain?

Some distributors are already offering these pads for those who have constant ailments in the body. However, with some skills you can make them yourself at home using recyclable materials and different types of seeds.


  • 1 piece of cotton cloth.
  • 1 needle.
  • Thread (color to taste).
  • Seeds or rice (the amount needed).


  • To start, you will need to cut a piece of cotton fabric that is resistant to microwave heat. If you want, you can use a garment that you no longer wear.
  • Then, choose the seeds you want to use: flax, rice, chia, chickpeas, etc. After acquiring enough for the filling, reserve them.
  • Optionally, you can choose a few aromatic herbs to enhance the pain relieving and calming effect.
  • Then, use the needle to sew the fabric into the shape of the “beanbag.” Of course, it leaves a small opening to introduce the chosen seeds.
  • If you are not able to sew, place the seeds in the center of the fabric and join the ends to tie it like a candy.
  • Add the seeds and plants inside the cloth bag without filling it completely, since it should not be hard.
  • Close the hole so that the seeds do not come out and proceed to use them to relax the muscles.

    How to use the seed “sachets”?

    Bag of seeds.

    Depending on the type of pain you have, these “sachets” can be applied hot or cold. 

    However, the explanation of its functionality in these cases would come from the use of different temperatures to alleviate certain discomforts. In fact, an article published in 2006 by the Journal of Sports Sciences would use this technique for pain in athletes.


    Put the bags in the oven or microwave and put them for two minutes so that they heat well and the temperature is kept for at least half an hour. However, before applying it to the affected area, make sure the temperature is bearable so that it does not cause burns.

    Use them to:

    • Cervical pain.
    • Muscle and joint pain
    • Tendinitis or torticollis (contraction in the neck area).


    Put the bag in the freezer and leave it for about two hours so that the seeds are very cold. Afterwards, apply them to the painful areas and leave them to act for about 20 minutes.

    You can use them in case of:

    • Fever.
    • Sprains
    • Bruises
    • Tired eyelids.
    • Insect bites.
    • Circulatory problems

    As you can see, it is an alternative option to alleviate one of the most annoying symptoms that are generated throughout the day. So go ahead and make these “little bags” of seeds, and always have them available every time pain interrupts your work.

    However, remember that this is not a substitute for any recommended treatment and that it would only work to relieve some symptoms. Therefore, if the discomfort persists and is intense, do not forget to go to the doctor to check that it is not a more serious health problem.

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