Discover All The Benefits Of Improving Intestinal Flora

The intestinal flora has a much more relevant role than we think in our health.

It depends on it that we assimilate the nutrients in the food we eat correctly. The optimal functioning of our immune system also depends on this.

Discover in this article what are all the benefits of enjoying a healthy intestinal flora, and what are the health consequences of having it unbalanced.

A healthy intestinal flora

There are several factors that damage the intestinal flora, such as, for example:

  • Stress.
  • Some medications
  • Chemical laxatives.
  • Some digestive disorders.

We must be aware of the consequences this has for health. The state of our flora affects the entire organism.

To improve the intestinal flora we must eat a balanced diet and, when we need it, take a supplement based on probiotics.

There are many types, some very simple and others much more complete, in a wide price range.

They should always be taken on an empty stomach or on an empty stomach to be effective. However, if they are taken together with food, it will also have the positive effect of improving digestion.

1. Improve the assimilation of nutrients

Among its many functions, the intestine is responsible for incorporating nutrients from food into the bloodstream.

In this organ some vitamins are synthesized, such as vitamin K, B5 or B12.

In this sense, we may be eating a balanced diet but not assimilating food correctly because our intestinal flora does not work properly. This causes us nutritional deficits.

This disorder can also cause us an instinctive need to eat more to obtain the nutrients our bodies need.

2. Regulate constipation and diarrhea

When we suffer constipation or diarrhea on a regular basis, or even both disorders alternately, it can be an indication that our intestinal flora is damaged.

We may be consuming a lot of fiber to combat constipation without noticing positive results.

  • With a good diet, rich in fresh and fermented foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut or kefir, we can regulate these disorders.
  • However, we can also take probiotics, which will work faster and more effectively.

3. Deflate the belly

flat stomach

There are many people who always have a swollen belly, with an accumulation of gases and great discomfort. In general, different digestive disorders can converge.

  • Intestinal bacteria are responsible for fermenting food, a process in which gases are produced.
  • A part of these gases are necessary and beneficial. However, if we feel bloated and uncomfortable on a regular basis, we should improve our flora.

4. Prevent parasites

The intestinal flora is made up of beneficial microorganisms. However, in the intestine there are also parasites that, if the flora is weakened, they become stronger and cause many health problems.

In addition, it is often difficult to find the cause, since its symptoms are confused with other disorders. The best known and most common parasite is Candida .

To treat intestinal parasites we must be very strict with food.

  • We must completely eliminate all kinds of flours and sugars, even sweet fruits.
  • Taking probiotic supplements is recommended so that the bacterial flora also fight parasites.

5. Boost immunity

There is a direct relationship between the quality of the intestinal flora and the immune system through the lymph nodes found in the walls of the intestine.

  • In this sense, if we have a weakened flora, we are more vulnerable to any disease.
  • If we want to strengthen the defenses, in addition to taking other supplements, we should not forget to take good quality probiotics.

6. Fight obesity

Childhood obesity-intestinal flora

If our body does not assimilate the nutrients in the food we eat well, we will be more predisposed to suffer from obesity, among other reasons, because we will have more appetite than normal.

  • This appetite is a way for our body to claim the lack of nutrients.

    7. Reduce genital infections

    Many genital infections are caused by intestinal problems.

    Although the treatments focus exclusively on the genital area, a treatment with probiotics could help us to prevent and treat these problems naturally. Especially in those people who suffer them chronically.

    If you feel any of these symptoms or suffer from frequent stomach discomfort, it is necessary that you visit a specialist. Do not self-medicate, a doctor will always be the best option to seek treatment.

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