Secrets For Healthy Hair

Every day hair is exposed to factors that weaken and damage it, making it look less beautiful. Would you like to have healthy, shiny and beautiful hair?

If you start to feel itchy on your head, you notice dull and thin hair, and you see how the annoying dandruff is appearing, it is advisable that you go to a dermatologist to rule out more serious problems. Luckily, if it’s not a serious problem, your hair can look better with proper care.

The main secret to having healthy hair is having a healthy scalp. When our scalp is in good condition, it is easier to get the rest of the hair to look good. For this reason, we are going to give you the best secrets to take care of your scalp and achieve well-nourished hair.

How to have healthy hair?

1. Dry scalp care

When the problem in our hair is a dry scalp, we start to feel itchy very often and later, we see how dandruff appears. Nobody likes that their hair is full of those flakes of skin that are produced by dryness. Also, not paying attention to it can lead to a bigger problem.

To try to improve the problem, you can prepare a mixture of oils to keep the scalp hydrated.

  • Mix in a bowl 10 drops of pure lavender essential oil with one ounce of sweet almond or jojoba oil. Subsequently, apply it on the scalp making gentle circular massages for 5 minutes.
  • For a sensitive scalp, massage only with jojoba oil, 5 minutes before showering.
  • In addition to this, it is recommended to increase the consumption of omega 3 fatty acids present in fish and vegetables.

As we mentioned at the beginning, if it is a persistent problem and it does not disappear with care, it is best to go to a dermatologist.

2. Care for thick and normal hair


Thick, normal hair tends to present fewer problems than other hair types. However, it does not hurt to do it occasionally and apply a good treatment to strengthen it.

Thick hair has more layers until it reaches the medulla or inner core of its structure, so many times the products we apply do not penetrate completely to be able to provide their benefits. As a result, it may appear dry, but we can improve it.

How to do it?

  • After applying the shampoo, take a tablespoon of olive oil and apply it all over the scalp, and also all over the hair from roots to ends.
  • Subsequently, wrap the hair in a bag or cap, to let it act for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Finally, rinse and apply the conditioner as usual.

If your scalp is oily, avoid applying the oil in this area.

3. Care of fine and brittle hair

It is said that we have fine hair when it loses strength and thickness, being more susceptible to loss. This problem can be the product of a bad diet, lack of vitamins, mistreatment of the hair or some endocrine disorders.

Hair tips

Fine hair is also often brittle due to a poor diet, lack of nutrients, excessive exposure to the sun, use of dryers, irons and tweezers, mistreatment when combing the hair, among others. When hair is brittle, it tends to fall out more often and its growth slows down.

The solution?

  • To try to strengthen brittle hair, it is convenient to massage the scalp and hair, using a little coconut oil, which is left to act for 5 to 10 minutes. The head should preferably be wrapped in a hat or bag to soak the treatment for the recommended time and then rinse it off as usual.
  • In addition, it is recommended to include more in the diet foods such as: lean meat, fish, low-fat cheese, egg whites, spinach, soybeans, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, among others.

4. Dandruff problems


Dandruff occurs when there is an overgrowth of bacteria that causes dead skin cells, which accumulate. It can appear on both oily hair and dry hair.

The solution?

  • In a bowl mix 10 drops of tea tree oil, eucalyptus, peppermint, or bergamot oil with 1 ounce of jojoba or almond oil. Subsequently, apply it on the scalp with gentle circular massages 5 minutes before going to the shower.
  • If you want a leave-in treatment, mix a small amount of witch hazel with a little mouthwash and rub it into your scalp after applying the shampoo and conditioner.
  • For best results, be sure to include foods rich in zinc, such as clams, crabmeat, lean meats, lobster, peanut butter, pumpkin seeds, and salmon in your diet.

To have healthy hair, you must take care of your scalp. Provide the necessary care so that your hair can grow strong and shiny, only then will you wear the mane you always dreamed of.

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