“Fika”: The Swedish Secret To Improve At Work

The Danes use a term called ” hygge ” to talk about their happiness at home. Apparently, they are not the only ones in the Nordic countries that use words to define their moods. In Sweden they have a secret to improve at work: the “ fika.

The Scandinavian and Nordic countries teach us many lessons. Living in adverse weather conditions, having zero crime, having the most modern education and health systems in the world… and now they also teach us to enjoy our working hours.

If we compare the workday in the office of the Swedes and other developed countries we will realize that we are doing something wrong (if we do not live in Sweden, of course). Find out more in this article.

Swedes’ recipe for having fun at work

the Swedes recipe

For us, working is synonymous with wasting time, not being with our family, leaving our productive years for the gain of others, etc. It also relates to lunches on the desk and liters of coffee to fulfill obligations.

That without taking into account the daily complaints, the problems with the boss, counting the days until the weekend, the holiday or the long-awaited vacations. And not to mention the minutes and seconds that we have left to get out of that suffocating cubicle.

Swedes, on the other hand, take work as a celebration, as a way to be productive and help in something that exceeds them (the well-being of the country, for example) or as a way to have contact with other people who do the same .

What is “fika”?

The ” fikais the time of rest in the office. Those minutes of enjoying a cup of coffee or tea (it could also be a juice or yogurt) that we all need. But pay attention, because they see it differently: an opportunity to reduce stress, rest the mind and recharge batteries to continue giving the best they have to offer.

Thanks to the fika, not only do you eat and drink something, but you also take advantage of it to socialize and to enjoy a quality moment with colleagues. It is a philosophy very present in the Swedes and therefore companies promote it even when it is not necessary.

Everyone in Sweden loves coffee and buns. Therefore, it is logical to think that, if they are in a place for many hours (work), they want to consume them in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

The perfect excuse to get up from your seat, chat with your colleagues and taste a sweet, a fruit or a drink … all paid for by the company itself.

You could say that, in Sweden, coffee makers are as important as computers.

Fika, is it only possible in Sweden?

only possible in Sweden

For many, this habit could be seen as a “paid break.” However, it goes beyond that. It is about being in a family and friendly environment that strengthens ties with colleagues and directors. Everyone is present on the scene during the “technical stops”.

Those moments of relaxation are perfect because, when the mind is thinking about something else, it can build wonderful ideas. This does not happen, for example, if we are in front of the computer. Optimism flows in that room where everyone is making jokes, talking about sports or traveling. In this way, workers in Swedish companies are motivated.

What is the difference with countries like Spain?

To begin with, that through fika the relationship of trust between workers and superiors is fostered. Also, it is not frowned upon to get up from your desk to drink a coffee. In Sweden it is not said or thought: “he is being unproductive” or “look at such, who just rests and does not work”.

Stripping these breaks of illegality or secrecy by being 100% allowed, in turn, increases the comfort and happiness of employees, who feel more productive, protected and taken into account.

The ” fika moments ” (to call them in some way) are not regulated or planned by agenda, but take place at different times of the day. For example, 3 times a day, 10 minutes each time, it all depends on the company.

Some companies prefer to grant them in the morning, because the workers are more asleep. And others in the afternoon, because when returning from lunch, productivity is reduced. Nobody feels obliged to participate in all the fika of the day, although breaks are encouraged at certain times.


Bosses tell their subordinates that it is better to finish urgent tasks so that they have more time to enjoy the fika . This is because they are aware that these spaces are a “hotbed of great ideas”, where new thoughts or projects can arise without trying.

By last

The Fika is an excellent way to end absenteeism in companies. If an employee is comfortable in their workplace, they will miss less.

In less restrictive environments, earnings are higher than in those where workers must even ask permission to go to the bathroom. Certainly, many companies should learn about the concept of ” fika ” and implement it in their offices.

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