How To Choose The Best Perfume For You?

Choosing a perfume is something very personal. We are sure that on more than one occasion you have been given a certain and high-cost brand, but trying it and feeling its fragrance on your skin has been more annoying than captivating. Few things are as intimate as choosing a perfume. They usually say that it goes with our personality but, in reality, our brain is also the one who accepts a certain type of odor and rejects others.

Sometimes a component such as wood or a citrus fruit is not pleasant to our body, and hence the reaction. We are sure that these simple guidelines for choosing your own perfume will be useful and interesting.

Warning : perfumes can contain substances that generate adverse reactions in some people, such as allergies, headaches and others, as indicated by a study by the Pablo de Olavide University. If you have any symptoms after using the perfume, suspend it and consult your doctor.

Classification of perfumes according to intensity

The degree of intensity of a perfume determines not only the price, but also the concentration of the aromas. This is not to say that only the strongest are the best. Absolutely. There are those who better tolerate a medium-low concentration, since it is more pleasant for day to day, and leaves the most intense for special occasions.

Although this is common, it is worth remembering this classification:

Splash perfume (Body spray)

It has a 1% concentration. Although it does not last long, it offers us a specific sensation of freshness. It is practical for when we do sports.

Eau de cologne

It has between 3 – 6% concentration and is one of the most common in perfumeries. Its fragrance is almost always citrus and very light. Great for day to day.

Eau de toilette

It has a little more concentration than the previous one, between 7-15%. Very comfortable also for the whole day.

Eau de parfum

It has a 15% concentration of the fragrance.


It is the most intense and usually ranges between 15% – 40% concentration.

How to choose a perfume that goes with me


There are some previous aspects that we must take into account. The same perfume may not smell the same on two people. Everything will depend on our skin type, if it is drier or oilier, for example, although this is not proven by any scientific study. However, something that we must remember is that it is always recommended that we choose it ourselves. The reason? It is part of our personality and it is also what we want to transmit to others.

Sometimes something very common that usually happens is that we remember a person by their smell. Thus, we must stop not only in finding that smell that defines us, that looks good on our skin, that does not bother us and that, in turn, leaves a pleasant trail on others with which they remember us.

Are you an active and fun person?

In this case, the citrus and fresh fragrances will be very pleasant. Those that smell of orange, lemon, lemon verbena … They are usually very invigorating and pleasant. Sometimes, within this type of profile, unisex perfumes can also be very pleasant.

Do you want to convey an elegant air?

We all have those dates from time to time in which we want to convey mystery, elegance and charm. We should then choose exotic fragrances that have a higher level of concentration. They last for many hours on the skin and leave fragrances of flowers, tropical fruits and woods.

Sexy and youthful personality

No matter how old you are. We all love to transmit a more risky, cheeky and sexy personality from time to time. Why not? In this case, you should look for those perfumes with sweet scents, caramel, scents of oriental flowers, apple, roses …

The perfumes that almost never fail

There are two types of perfumes that tend to be more successful and with which we never fail. They are pleasant and look great with all skin types:

  • Fresh fragrances:  They are what is known as “green” scents. Smell of freshly cut grass, citrus …
  • Floral fragrances : Who doesn’t like the smell of flowers? They are delicious and it is a fragrance that we never tire of: roses, jasmine, gardenia, orange blossom, lily of the valley, tuberose …

According to your skin type

If your skin is rather oily, in this case it is common for the sweat itself to end up changing the perfume itself. It is something that can happen to all of us in summer, although there is no scientific study that shows this effect. So what can we do?

  • Choose mild or citrus scents.
  • In winter times, or if your skin is generally drier, the fragrances of oriental flowers will be very pleasant and a little more intense.

As you can see, the act of choosing a perfume is not as easy as we think. That is why it is always worth spending a good time on that choice in the store itself. In this way we do not run the risk of ending up buying a brand that, later, when using it daily, makes us more uncomfortable than anything else.

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