Causes Of Migraines You Didn’t Know About

One of the most common triggers for migraines is changes in atmospheric pressure. Likewise, we can suffer them during the weekends, since this is when our brain relaxes

The headache is so common that many times we do not pay it the attention it requires. The causes of migraines are very varied: they can be due to different factors, some of them genetic and others arterial.

Learn about some of the most common causes of migraines.

What are the causes of migraines?

Although the main cause of migraines is unknown, there are still certain factors that trigger this condition. This terrible discomfort can in many cases be disabling.

If you suffer from this severe headache, it may be due to the following:

1. The weather

The change in temperature and the level of humidity in the environment can influence our mood, there is no doubt about that.

However, did you know that it is also one of the causes of migraines? As you read, these changes have the ability to affect the appearance or degree of migraines.

  • Thus, migraines get worse when there are drops in atmospheric pressure, it is too hot or the humidity is very high.

    While we cannot control the weather, at least we can be prepared to deal with the situation.

    • For example, if we are in summer, we can avoid going out at noon or not doing strong activities until sunset.

    2. Food

    The cheese

    Some foods can increase the headache, such as aged cheese, pickles, and fried foods.

    If we are prone to this type of headache, we should also avoid those foods that have too many preservatives and artificial additives (the vast majority of those sold on the market today).

    It is therefore recommended to lead a healthier life and a diet that includes many raw vegetables and fruits, especially during a migraine attack.

    3. On weekends

    Although it seems strange, Saturdays and Sundays are one of the causes of migraines. Although these are the most anticipated days of the week, they can be the triggers for pain.

    This is because between Monday and Friday we are under very high levels of stress due to work, responsibilities, study, etc.

    When the weekend comes, the body relaxes and changes many of its patterns : we go to bed and wake up later, we go out partying, we eat badly, we do too many activities in a short time, etc.

    4. Caffeine

    It is not only present in coffee but also in soft drinks (of the cola type, mostly).

    Caffeine causes dehydration in our body and goes directly to the bloodstream. From there it travels to the brain and alters it.

    So after drinking a cup of coffee, we feel excited. However, this has its consequence: the appearance of migraines.

    We must also be careful with caffeine withdrawal, since experiencing it also causes a headache.

    • If we are coffee lovers, we cannot stop drinking it overnight. The process must be gradual.

    5. Sleeping excessively

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    This, for example, happens on vacation or on weekends. Although when our head hurts the first thing we think about is to lie down and rest, spending so many hours in bed can cause headaches.

    More than anything, we must take into account alterations in sleep patterns.

    • Sleeping more than 8 hours in a row once in a while is not bad if we need it but, if it becomes a habit, it is not so beneficial.
    • In many cases the person does not want to get up or their naps are too long. It is important to avoid these behaviors.

    6. Alcoholic beverages

    They have a similar effect to caffeine on the body.

    People who regularly drink alcohol are prone to headaches and migraines as the substances it contains dehydrate the body and take a long time to be eliminated.

    It also involves more work for the kidneys and liver. A glass of red wine with meals is not bad, but it is a good thing to party every day.

    7. Stress

    There are many consequences for the body of maintaining high levels of stress for a long period of time.

    Although it may seem that nobody escapes from this problem and that nothing can be done about it, the truth is that we have dozens of techniques available to stop being stressed and, therefore, not suffer from migraines.

    For example, we can practice meditation or yoga, take a bubble bath when we get home, go to the country on weekends or choose pleasant activities after office.

    8. Lack of magnesium

    If you don’t get enough of this nutrient, you are likely prone to headaches. To avoid them, increase the consumption of foods rich in magnesium, such as:

    • Wheat bran
    • Dried herbs (coriander, peppermint, among others)
    • Pumpkin, sunflower, flax and sesame seeds
    • Almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts

    9. Sensory stimulation

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    When we are dazzled by a light, we enter a perfumery or watch an action movie in the cinema, we can suffer migraines as a result of these stimuli.

    The membranes that line the central nervous system are irritated by some lights, sounds or smells and stimulate pain receptors located in the brain.

    10. Gluten sensitivity

    This does not mean to be celiac, but to be slightly intolerant to gluten.

    You can find out if you suffer from this problem by stopping consuming those foods that contain this ingredient (cookies, breads, pizzas, etc.) and analyzing if your head still hurts so much.

    Now that you know the causes of migraines, you can try to prevent them!

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