Watch Out! 10 Beauty Products You Should Never Share

There are several beauty products that you should not share with anyone.

You’re at home getting ready to party with your best friend. While you are putting on your makeup, she asks you to lend her some of your toiletry bag. Without hesitation you say “take what you need.”


What beauty products can I not borrow?

Don’t share your makeup and grooming beauty products. If you don’t want to look bad with someone who asks you for a tool, explain the reasons and they will thank you.


The eyes are one of the most delicate areas of the face and the body in general. These can easily become infected. One of the most typical cases is conjunctivitis, but there are more serious pathologies.

The eyelashes act as a barrier so that these microorganisms cannot enter. In this way, if you share the mask, you will be exposing yourself to various diseases.

Brush and sponge


Again we have to talk about the germs and bacteria that stay in beauty products. Many of them lodge in the skin that we do not see since they are microscopic.

When more than one person uses the same brush or sponge to make up their face or neck, all the bad things are transferred from one skin to the other.

In this way you risk suffering:

  • Grain.
  • Pimples
  • Irritations.
  • Infections
  • Allergies, etc.

As much as your friend has washed her face well, if she has pimples or blackheads, it is not good for these elements to be shared.

If you don’t have two brushes, you can use a liquid spray cleaner. Some women choose to sanitize with alcohol, which dries up quickly.


It is worth saying because sometimes we do not realize the danger that this carries. The same thing happens in this hygiene element as with beauty products.

If you are not averse to sharing your toothbrush with your friend or your boyfriend, from now on you will think twice about doing it.

In the mouth there are a lot of bacteria that accumulate after eating. In addition, we are always in contact with all kinds of things (nails, a pen, a paper …) everything goes to the lips and then goes to the tongue, gums, etc.

Some illnesses like the flu or  oral herpes can be spread by using the same toothbrush.

A good idea is to have a spare one in the bathroom (new) for when someone stays to sleep and forgets their own and always carry one of their own in their purse or backpack.

Razor or blades

If you find that you have to shave your armpits and you are away from home, do not search for one to use.

When you shave, you can cut your skin and bleed. This causes bacteria to remain on the blade even if you rinse it.

You never know if the other person has a disease like hepatitis or even HIV. Be very careful! The same can be applied in the case of tweezers, wax and electric epilator.



As with the toothbrush, it is not good for you to share things that have been on your lips or mouth. Do not put on makeup with a test lipstick from the stores.

If there is no other remedy than to provide it, before using it, spray it with alcohol (yes, you should also have it in your bag for any emergency).

Creams in a jar

Have you ever thought that every time you put your fingers in the cream or lotion that you use at night or in the morning, you leave the bacteria behind to feast on when they come into contact with your face?

If your own microorganisms are already dangerous, imagine what happens to those of others.

Do not handle these types of products without first washing your hands well.


Something similar to what we have indicated with the mascara happens. If you lend your eyeliner to a friend, you will be transferring viruses or bacteria that later remain in your eyes.

One of the most serious complications that can happen to you is keratitis, one of the most serious eye infections.



The only one you can share is the aerosol spray. All other presentations are personal.

The armpits are an area of ​​the body where many bacteria accumulate due to sweat, either because there is hair or because they are usually “covered” with clothing and the bend of the arm.

Gel or stick deodorants come in direct contact with the skin and accumulate millions of germs.

Before using them, it would be good if you cleaned the area.

Nail clipper

In a house there is usually only one nail clipper for all members of the family. Unless you are very careful to clean them every time you use them, it is not very advisable.

When we cut the nails we introduce the cutting element deeply. Not only the bacteria hide there, but also the dirt that is then “dragged” to the other fingers (own or others). Avoid sharing nail clippers or pliers to avoid catching fungus or infections.

As if that were not enough, sometimes the nails are very embedded in the fingers and when cutting them bleeds. Remember what we said about the razor blades.

nail file

Nail file

Another one of the elements that you cannot share. A large number of bacteria accumulate under the fingernails that cause all kinds of diseases.

Try to wash and dry well before using and, of course, do not lend it to anyone.

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